The 6th of Six (The Legend of Kimraig Llu)

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Book: Read The 6th of Six (The Legend of Kimraig Llu) for Free Online
Authors: J. K. (Keith) Wilson
vulnerable. Prudence was not his long suit, but he made an exception this time. They could not get even a hint of the subterfuge riddling his Action Plan.
    Kimraig took a calculated risk. Should anyone discover him using the stolen blocking device in his helmet, his plans would come to a sudden halt. He switched it on. His thoughts appeared normal as the Leader of Leaders spoke.
    Next, he turned on his Vid-Screen and two-way camera, finally allowing the council to see him as well as he could see them.
    Pay attention, she is about to remember you are here. Just in time he faced the screen.
    “Kimraig, your Action Plan suggests we occupy structure One Nine. Should I assume this is an attempt to relieve our population overflow?” The Leader of Leaders glanced up towards Kimraig, her image filling the chamber’s video screen. Her plump body wheezed with annoyance. She continued without waiting for an answer.
    “This foolish plan has a casualty rate of 37 percent. Please explain.”
    Kimraig spoke quickly. “The proposed structure is eight tenths of one mile from Number 4 Building. Each step is unexplored enemy territory. It makes little difference if Outsiders...”
    “Oh please,” the Leader of Leaders laughed. “You can’t seriously believe those homeless drunks you call Outsiders could attack you and win.” This did not bring the laughs she had sought. Many in the Chamber were old enough to remember all too well the battles fought with drunks when the survivors of the quakes and bombs struggled just to survive.
    “Yes I do, if we go unprepared.” He waited for a signal to continue. When it did not come, he went on without invitation.
    “As I was saying, it makes little difference if Outsiders or Crossers see us leaving our building in force; our mission will be an Act of War. As Field Commander, I expect minor loses in this phase. But, if our interior inspection finds this structure unusable, we must evacuate.”
    Pausing for effect, he was glad he had used a block. A few calculations on their part and they would know that the requested number of troops bordered on ridicules. Should the council use their combined probe against him, it would be vicious. Was he suspect?
    “That does not explain these casualties,” she interrupted.
    “Let me add this. Once we withdraw, one or both of our enemies will attack in full force. I will not take the risk of our five buildings falling into their hands.” With no emotion, Kimraig had delivered his version of the plan, the one that suited him. At this late date, it surprised him they were still playing games.
    A steady buzz issued from the tight circles on the Council floor. Female voices were talking all at once, a confusing chatter only they could understand. If a male took the time to study the quickness of wit and humor expressed by women in general, maybe, just maybe, he could follow along. Kimraig had expended the energy, and done just that.
    He had missed something; something important.
    “We will return in a moment.” A blank screen followed.
    Of course, the Wicca is complete! There were twelve females in that tight inner circle. Counting the Leader of Leaders, they totaled thirteen.
    It had been four months since Leader Von had fallen—or jumped—from Top Side of Number 2 Building. Her partner of fifty summers had passed just weeks before. Today, the dozen remaining Leaders had selected a replacement, number thirteen.
    “Kimraig, attend the Council.”
    “At your pleasure, Leader,” he answered as his screen blinked on. He smiled. He had not left the Vid-screen for one second.
    “This expedition to the building called One Nine will be under Leader Breen’s operational command. You will temporarily resume you duties as her Hunter. Remember, temporarily resume. We do not reinstate your Hunter’s rank,” she glanced up to emphasize her point.
    “She will contact you before the Wicca Council’s roll two days’ time. You will escort her to this

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