That Night with You
cook. You’re going to have a husband to
feed soon. I know you’re both modern women, but men like having
home cooked meals on the table when they get back from a long day
at the office.” She shook her finger at Charlie. “Makes them feel
    “ I thought that was what
sex was for,” Charlie blurted out.
    Mrs. Leder took the comment in stride,
grinning. “Sex is only a small part of marriage, Charlie. You’ll
learn that soon enough.” She eyed the boxes piled against the far
wall. “Are you just about finished packing?”
    Charlie set out toward the kitchen,
carrying the casserole dish. “Almost. I want to get everything
moved over to Nelson’s apartment before the ceremony, so when we
get back from our honeymoon, everything will already be set
    Mrs. Leder turned her thick lenses to
Madison. “How do you feel about being on your own,
    “ Umm.” Madison wrung her
hands. “I’m fine with it. I’m happy Charlie and Nelson are finally
tying the knot.” She glanced at her roommate who was standing by
the kitchen counter, and begged to be rescued with her
    Mrs. Leder went to the kitchen
breakfast bar. “I’m sure you’ll be finding someone soon, Madison.
Pretty girl like you won’t be on the market for long.”
    “ Madison already has
someone, Mrs. L,” Charlie declared, coming toward the counter. “Her
new boss.”
    “ Yes, you started that job
today.” Mrs. Leder’s eyebrows went up. “Is your boss
    Madison grimaced, wanting to kick
Charlie for saying anything. “It’s not like that. He’s my boss. We
can’t date each other.”
    Mrs. Leder let out a deceptively
fierce cackle. “Why not? When I started working at the oil company
after I graduated from college, I used to spend hours watching
Duncan Leder’s fine ass walk by my desk until I got the man to
sleep with me.”
    Charlie and Madison both started
laughing. “Mrs. Leder?” Charlie chastised. “You shouldn’t say such
things to us. We’re young and impressionable, remember?”
    Mrs. Leder snorted. “Young maybe, but
you two are about as impressionable as a Botox-stuffed Orange
County housewife picking out her fifth Mercedes.” Her eyes settled
on Madison. “Well, maybe not you, Madison, but your cohort in crime
definitely knows her way around a man.”
    Letting her mouth fall open, Charlie
feigned indignation. “I do not. I’ll have you know I’m wearing
white at my wedding.”
    “ Only because your future
mother-in-law will be in attendance,” Mrs. Leder commented. “She
needs to believe her son is marrying a nice girl, but we know
better.” She waved off Charlie’s stunned expression. “I was young
and horny, too, Charlie. If my mother-in-law knew what her son and
I had been up to the night before our wedding, she would have never
let me marry into the Leder family…but I did. Thirty-two years of
marriage, two sons, and now I own two apartment buildings and four
business offices in Dallas.” She winked at Madison. “Just play your
cards right. Don’t jump into bed with him too quickly, and you
might just end up with that big rock on your finger like your
roommate.” She pointed to the oval-shaped diamond set in platinum
glistening on Charlie’s left hand.
    “ Might be a little late for
that,” Charlie giggled.
    “ Charlie,” Madison
    Mrs. Leder leveled her eyes on
Charlie. “Did I miss something?”
    “ Mads has already slept
with her boss.”
    “ No, it’s not like that,
Mrs. L,” Madison quickly clarified. “I think he may be this guy I
knew a long time ago. We had this…thing.”
    “ A one-night thing, if you
know what I mean,” Charlie teased with a wink.
    “ Oh, I get it.” Mrs. Leder
grinned. “No need to explain.” She looked Madison up and down. “So,
what did he say when he saw you today?”
    Madison twisted her hands together,
mimicking the feeling in her stomach. “He acted like he didn’t know
me. He, ah, never got my name before

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