religiously took her birth control pill every day after that.
Why did she ever think she’d been in love with him? The disastrous marriage put a huge dent in her self-confidence. She could no longer trust her instincts when it came to judging a person’s character. Especially law enforcement types.
She pushed the thought aside. Lucas wasn’t at all like Dean. But then, she hadn’t thought Dean was the monster he turned out to be, either.
Lucas studied the check, added some bills and took her hand. The night was warm for early June, a sure sign of arriving summer. They strolled to the jeep and he helped her in. Both quiet with their thoughts, it made for a comfortable ride back to her car.
Her stomach clenched when he turned off the ignition and dimmed the headlights after he pulled in next to her car. She wanted to feel his lips on hers again. At the same time, she was terrified of the feelings it evoked.
One hand rested on the steering wheel, the other moved up and down her arm, leaving goose bumps in its wake. Deep blue eyes bore into hers, making her squirm. “How can I convince you to be more than a friend?”
He reached over, unclicked her seat belt. A whiff of musky after shave and the heat from his skin burned through the silk of her blouse, sending a flood of awareness across her skin. “I’m not interested in anything more than friendship,” she whispered and leaned away.
“The pulse at the base of your neck is hammering.”
He gently massaged her shoulder, slid his hand into her hair. Tugging her close, he lowered his head, blocking out the lamp that lit the parking lot. She sighed as he brought his lips to hers. Soft, warm. She’d never experienced such fire and a sense of security at the same time. His tongue skimmed her lips, inviting her to open. When she did, he groaned and pulled her closer. Her hand slid up his chest to rest on a strong shoulder. Solid and firm, her fingers wrapped around his flesh and anchored her world as her heart continued to beat out of control.
Lucas released her lips and rested his forehead on hers. “You know I would never hurt you.”
Tessa pulled back, her eyes narrowed. “Why did you say that?”
He ran his knuckles over her cheek. “Because I never would.”
“I think I’d better go now.”
Lucas touched the tip of her nose with his finger. “Okay. I don’t want to scare you.”
Her chin came up and she stiffened her shoulders. “I’m not scared of you.”
“Good.” He winked and scooted across the seat to open his door. As he came around the vehicle, he stopped and stared at the building. “Tessa?”
She jumped down to join him. “What?”
“Didn’t you put the lights out when you locked up before?”
“I thought I did. But it appears there’s a couple still burning.” She started forward, but came to an abrupt stop when his hand squeezed her shoulder.
He continued to stare at the building. “Do me a favor and get back in the jeep.”
Her mouth went dry as dust. “Why? Do you think someone’s in there?”
“Probably not, but old training is kicking in.” His firm hand settled on her upper arm as he walked her back, opened the Jeep door and escorted her in. “Where are your keys?”
She rummaged in her purse, pulled out a key ring, selected one, and handed him the ring. “It’s for the front door.”
He leaned over, gave her a light kiss. “Do you have overhead lights in there?”
“I do, the switch is on the right side of the door. Although I never use them, I prefer the table lamps.”
“Stay here, I’ll come get you once I’m sure it’s safe.” He closed the door and made a hand gesture for her to lock both doors.
In all the years she’d had the store, there had never been a problem. Truth be told, she’d never once in all that time left the lights burning in the shop after closing.
He proceeded around the building. In less than a minute the overhead lights illuminated the inside. From her seat in the Jeep,
Anne Machung Arlie Hochschild