Teasing The Boss

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Book: Read Teasing The Boss for Free Online
Authors: Mallory Crowe
Tags: Billionaires In The City - Two
wouldn’t I have released these tapes right away? Why wouldn’t I tell them about our relationship? I tried defending myself before. Nothing worked.”
    He waved a hand carelessly in the air as though her concerns were nothing. “People love video evidence. That’s why you got screwed over. They had a few photos that could possibly put you in a compromising position and jumped on it. So I’m going to leak this video tomorrow along with a statement that we were trying to keep our relationship under wraps, but I decided to come public once the lies Bar was putting out affected your reputation. Paint you as the victim and Bar as the asshole he is.”
    Grace leaned back in her seat, debating the merits of his plan. She wasn’t too fond of playing a victim, but she’d love Senator Bar to have his ass pinned to the wall and exposed for all his lies. “What about our relationship? The nonexistent one?”
    The waiter appeared and made a big show of uncorking the wine bottle and allowing Simon and Grace to both sniff for approval. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. Really, all she wanted was her wine and some privacy. But she went through the motions and thanked the waiter as he went off to fulfill other duties.
    Simon set his glass down and turned back to her. “Our fake relationship won’t last long. The press has never cared much about me, and, to them at least, your most interesting attribute was your affair with Bar. So once they realize you’re not a home wrecker, they’ll stop paying you much attention. But everyone thinking we’re together will help me get closer to DuFord. It will give me a reason to be following you around.”
    Grace almost forgot Simon’s true motive in her rush of excitement. His hatred of her ex. “I’m driving out there Thursday evening. The client has a small guesthouse about a mile from the event site that I stay at. I’ll be finalizing a bunch of things that Friday, but maybe you could meet me Friday night or early Saturday? It won’t be hard to get the client to agree to offer you an invitation, since your reputation precedes you.”
    She took a sip of wine and studied his reaction. He didn’t seem overjoyed at the talk of his stellar reputation. So professional flattery wasn’t a weak spot. Always good to know.
    “I figure we can drive together. It will strengthen our relationship story and give me some time to scope out DuFord while you’re working.”
    Grace felt the blood rush from her face. “Scope out? I thought I wasn’t doing anything illegal.”
    “Well, I never said I wouldn’t be doing anything illegal. But to clarify, I meant checking out where he lives and who he sees while he’s living the high life in the Hamptons.”
    She nodded, relieved to hear his answer. “I think we should drive separately. I’m bringing my dog, and the alone time lets me focus on work.”
    He raised a brow. “You bring your dog?”
    “Yeah. Princess is well behaved, and with everything that’s been going on, I’ve barely seen her. I was looking forward to the two of us getting away for a few days, even if it is a work trip.”
    “Alone as in not with me?” asked Simon with a grin.
    Grace refused to regret her choice of words. They weren’t dating, and she didn’t need to feel bad about not wanting him around.
    “So you have a dog named Princess, huh?” His eyes narrowed as though he was judging her reaction to him judging her.
    But Grace didn’t mind. Everyone laughed at Princess’s name to begin with, but the second they met her, they realized it made total sense. “She’s been with me for six years and is spoiled rotten. Princess just fits her.”
    He nodded. “Well, I don’t mind dogs and I’m a quiet driver. Why don’t I pick you up Thursday and that way you won’t even have driving to distract you from work?”
    She sighed, not sure she could say no. This was her end of the deal and she wasn’t about to renege. “Don’t you have work to do

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