Tapestries 05 - Embroidered Fantasies

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Book: Read Tapestries 05 - Embroidered Fantasies for Free Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
    Her dark warrior had touched her between her thighs. She swallowed hard as she remembered his phantom touch. Cream coated the crotch of her panties and she squirmed, emitting a low moan that startled her. Heat crept up her cheeks as she straightened in her seat and glanced around. Thankfully, no one was paying her any attention. Everyone was concerned with their own lives.
    A sense of loneliness assailed her. She was truly alone in a world of people. She liked the folks she worked with but wasn’t close with any of them. The few friends she’d had, she’d lost touch with after the death of her parents and fiancé and her marriage to Michael.
    Roxanne tugged her purse tighter to her body, saddened by what her life had become. It was as much her fault as it was the people she knew. After what had happened in her disastrous marriage, she’d kept people at arm’s length.
    No more.
    It hit her suddenly that she’d been living in a prison of her own making, keeping herself from truly living as some sort of punishment for having the bad judgment of marrying a man who abused her.
    She knew what the counselor she’d seen a few time immediately after she’d filed for divorce would say. Mrs. Dobson had told her over and over that it wasn’t her fault.
    That men like Michael were master manipulators, hiding what they truly were until they had a woman isolated. In fact, he’d probably been attracted to her because he sensed her vulnerability.
    A cold shiver skated down her spine. She didn’t want to think about Michael. Just knowing he was out there somewhere was enough to give her nightmares.
    Unconsciously, she’d been watching for him all day, her eyes flying to the front door of the diner every time the bell had wrung.
    No wonder she was exhausted. The strain of knowing her ex was out of prison coupled with the sensual dream and the long work shift had drained her totally. She planned to make it an early night to catch up on her sleep.
    Glancing out the window, she was surprised to find her stop was next. She rang the bell, climbing off when the bus rumbled to a stop.
    As it pulled away from the curb with a bellow of exhaust fumes, she glanced around. Everything looked normal. The man at the grocery store was sweeping the sidewalk in front of his shop. A woman pushed a baby stroller and two young men sauntered along on the other side of the road.
    Gathering what little remained of her strength, Roxanne began the final leg of her trip. Putting one foot in front of the other, she started home. Maybe she’d get a cat, she mused. A warm, furry bundle that would greet her at the door when she opened it each evening, demanding supper with an insistent meow.
    The thought made her smile. It was an expense, but if she was careful, she could afford it. She could go to the local animal shelter and get a kitten. No, maybe a full-grown cat would be better, one that was used to being on its own during the day.
    She’d also take Pamela up on her offer to go out for coffee next time the other woman asked. She’d always cited excuses before, hurrying home after each work shift, unconsciously afraid to make friends. That was all about to change. Maybe she’d even ask Pamela herself after work tomorrow.
    Her heart felt lighter than it had in a long time, but her body was still bone tired.
    Her building came into sight but she couldn’t work up any energy to hurry her step.
    Finally, after what seemed like hours instead of minutes, she trudged up the stairs to her apartment.
    Unlocking her door, she shoved it open and walked inside. Her gaze swept the room. Satisfied, she stepped inside, shut the door and engaged all the locks. Her feet throbbed, reminding her she no longer needed to wear shoes. Dumping her sweater and purse on the floor, she went to work removing them. It wasn’t easy getting her body to bend over. Her back ached and she groaned, but that turned into a moan of pleasure as each shoe was pulled off. She

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