hating the black that engulfed everything about them, a constant remembrance of what they had lost. She found herself despising the fact that she and the children had been left in the care of one of London’s most notorious rogues. How would she ever live down the embarrassment? How would they be able to fight her parents if they chose to try to take the children from them? Rebekah hated the uncertainty that felt like a noose about her neck as she waited for the executioner to make the floor fall away beneath her.
Rebekah and the children walked into a house full of people milling about, wanting to express their condolences. Most of all, they were nosy, wanting to see what the house of a duke looked like on the inside. They wanted to see how the family reacted to the prodigal son returning. Rebekah bent down and whispered something to the twins that the others could not hear. They children nodded in understanding, then turned and walked up the stairs. At the top, they paused a moment, holding hands. Slowly they turned and looked over the rail at the guests below.
“Thank you for coming today,” the new Duke of Wulfecrest announced. He nodded and imperceptibly squeezed his sister’s hand before they continued to the nursery. A hush fell over the crowd and a few of the women could be seen surreptitiously wiping tears from their eyes.
“He is quite the little man,” a masculine voice said at her ear.
“Yes, he is,” she replied, not bothering to turn and look at her husband. She still found it hard to believe that she was tied to that despicable man for the rest of her life.
“I should go upstairs and change into something dry and more suitable to receive guests. I will return momentarily.” He shook his head as he watched her walk towards a group of women. Wulfe found it difficult to believe that she harbored such anger and resentment towards him just because of the type of business that he ran. There had to be more to the situation, if he only knew what. He quickly changed, with the assistance of a footman, into dry clothes. Fighting with his cravat, a frantic pounding sounded on the door to his room. “Come in,” he called.
“My lord, I apologize for interrupting, but you are needed downstairs right away!”
“What is it?”
“Her ladyship’s parents have arrived and are demanding the children be delivered into their hands.”
“Bloody hell,” Thorn said, tying his cravat into a basic knot. When they had not arrived for the funeral, he had hoped they would be in London before the inevitable confrontation. He stood at the top of the stairs, looking for the couple, but unable to see them. Wulfe took a deep breath, straightened his superfine, then released his breath and began walking down the stairs. He followed the crowd of onlookers where they had gathered to better hear the raised voices.
“You will bring the children to us immediately,” the Reverend Hezekiah Johnson ordered, using the fire and brimstone voice he used with his parishioners.
“I will not,” Rebekah said, daring to stare the man down that stood in front of her.
“You dare look me in the eye, after the sins you have committed. You are an insult to not only me, but also the Lord above. You have not earned the right to look me in the eye, nor begged for my forgiveness.”
“And I never will. Not after what you did to me, what you stole from me,” she snarled.
“Reverend Johnson, I believe that is enough,” Thorn interrupted. “Ladies and gentlemen, my family and I appreciate you coming to pay your respects on this extremely sad occasion. I know that you will support young Zachary as he learns the requirements of the role he has been forced into. Unfortunately, it appears we have some family business best taken care of in private. I do hope that you all will understand.” A murmur rippled through the crowd and footmen
Flowers for Miss Pengelly