Tameka's Smile
when she tried to pull away. “This is Unit 3. I’ll take the call. ETA five minutes.”
    “Roger, Chad. I’ll let her know.”

    He lowered his mouth to Tameka’s again. “I’ve got to go.” Kiss . “Motorist needs assistance.” Kiss.
    He grabbed the bag with one hand and walked her backwards towards the door, one eye watching where they were going while his mouth tangled with hers. He stopped when he had her backed against the front door, his body plastered to hers.
    “I don’t want to go,” he whispered, his forehead against her own.
    He could smell her arousal.
    “You have to go.” Her arms held him tight in direct contrast to her words.
    “I know.” He swooped in for another kiss. This one left them both gasping for air. “Call me if you get any more presents.”
    “I will.” She pushed him away. “Go. Someone’s waiting.”
    “Yeah, you’re right,” he agreed, resisting the urge to pull her back into his arms.
    Tameka followed him out onto the porch and stood at the top of the steps. He threw the bag on the passenger seat and paused before getting into the car. “I’ll see you tonight when I get off. I’ll bring dinner.”
    “No, I’ll cook. What time?”
    “About six?”
    “Dinner will be waiting.”
    With one last look of longing, he got into the car and drove off.

    * * * *
As soon as his car turned onto the road, Tameka smacked herself on the forehead. “No, I’ll cook,” she mocked herself in a high pitch voice. Was she possessed? What she was thinking was, ‘No don’t come over,’ but that’s not what came out of her mouth. It’s like the man put some type of voodoo spell on her.
    Six o’clock. It was almost five now. Did she even have anything in there to cook? The thought spurred her back inside the house and into the kitchen. She took a quick survey, opening the refrigerator and freezer, then going through all of the cabinets, ending with the pantry. It didn’t look good.

    Oh, she had food, just not a lot and nothing meant for a man’s appetite. For meat, there was a choice of pork chops or steak. Since she’d never mastered the art of cooking a decent steak, pork chops it would be. She wasn’t much of a vegetable eater, but she loved salads. A chef salad and barbeque pork chops would have to suffice for dinner. If it wasn’t enough, there was still plenty of Chinese left.
    Chad called a quarter ‘til six. “I’m still at work. My last call took longer than planned. It looks like it will be six-thirty/seven before I can get there. Is that okay?”
    “Sure. Just come whenever you’re done.”
    As she hung up, the realization struck that she had a lover.
    No, not a lover. One night did not a lover make. Besides, love had nothing to do with…whatever this was. She had a man.
    “I have a man.” That didn’t sound right, either. Maybe if she said it slow and enunciated each word. “I…have…a…man.” She weighed the words on her tongue to see if they fit. No dice. She just couldn’t make herself believe it. It didn’t feel right.
    “I have a…a…friend.” Hmm, that might actually work. It definitely felt better. She could handle having a friend. After all, everyone needed friends. She was new in the area and hadn’t had a chance to get out and meet anyone yet. Now she knew two people she could consider to be her friends—Chad and Lulu. So what if one of her friends was male, good looking, and hot? That didn’t make him any less her friend.
    The issue settled satisfactorily in her mind, she went into the bedroom that contained all of her moving boxes, pulled out her trade supplies and took them into the living room. She grabbed the ones she knew she’d need and set them to the side.
    Until she got a feel for the clientele, she’d leave the rest at home.
    She heard a car pull up, and she flipped on the porch light and opened the door. Chad got out of his truck still wearing his uniform. “You

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