TAMED: #2 in the Fit Trilogy
Her parents would notice if her car wasn’t there in the morning, but she could swing it.
    “Why don’t you come back over around eight. You can tell me what you’ve learned from your reading and then we can see where things go from there.”
    “Well, I guess this is goodnight.”
    Nailah looked up at him again. Armando just looked back. Okay then. Time to go. She opened her door and got into her car. He didn’t try to stop her. She started her car and he stepped back up on the curb. She started to drive away. He waved then headed back toward his condo.
    At the first red light, Nailah pulled out her phone and fired off a text.
    Did you seriously just NOT kiss me?
    Her phone beeped a few moments later, but she couldn’t check it until the next light.
    If I’d kissed you, you would have definitely spent the night.
    You say it like that’s a bad thing.
    Maybe it is, for me. Maybe I need to pace myself. Now stop texting me and drive.
    Nailah didn’t know how that made her feel. She wanted to argue with him some more, but for the first time in her whole life she wanted someone else to be right. She was ready for the games between them to begin. Still, when she got home she sent Armando a little something. You couldn’t see her whole face, but Armando would know it was her as soon as he’d looked at his phone. He’d regret skipping that goodnight kiss.


    Armando was distracted. He couldn’t stop thinking about Nailah and the way she made him feel. Or the picture she’d sent him the other night. It wasn’t exactly a nude but it was pretty close. She appeared to be naked, with a light blue blanket tucked under her arms as she sat up in bed. It came with a text that said I could have stayed . He knew he’d made the right decision, sending her home, but everything that had happened, the way she’d reacted to Daniel’s video, the blunt way she spoke to him, combined with the fact that she seemed to really be into it, made no sense. He didn’t realize how out of it he was until Keira came up behind him and poked him in the ribs.
    “Whatcha doing?” she asked in her usual light tone.
    By all appearances, he was standing outside the gym staring aimlessly across the street. “Waiting on Connie. She borrowed my truck.” He held out his hands, palms up, as he answered. Keira knew what time it was. They engaged in their daily game of patty-cake. They improvised of course, adding in a few extra moves to spice things up.
    “Oh, yay. I love Connie.”
    Armando remembered wanting to strangle Grant when he first hired Keira. She was one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen but, after a few days, he’d come to see her as a sister and less of the object of his lust, mostly because she reminded him so much of Connie. Keira and his baby sister were nearly identical in their temperament, even their mannerisms. Both shy at times, then shockingly outgoing when they were in their comfort zone. Connie’s comfort zone was on stage with her guitar. Keira’s was in the gym with her small group of kickboxing students.
    “You look all zoned out. What’s on your mind?” Keira asked, as she flipped his hands over and lightly slapped the backs. He returned the affectionate slap a second later. He wasn’t sure how to answer the question. Half of the truth just sort of tumbled out.
    “I’m having trouble with a girl.”
    “Good trouble or bad trouble?”
    “I don’t know yet.”
    “I know my sex life is non-existent, but do you want to talk about it?” Keira asked.
    “She’s harmless, ya know? I mean, she’s a smartass and not someone I would fuck with intentionally.”
    “She’s no pushover.”
    “Not even close.”
    “Good. And?”
    “She’s a good person, I think. Under all that, I get the sense that she’s actually kind of sweet.”
    “I don’t know. Harmless and sweet can become dangerous...hazardous in the wrong situation.”
    “Hazardous, huh? If she’s all of these

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