Take The Star Road (The Maxwell Saga)

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Book: Read Take The Star Road (The Maxwell Saga) for Free Online
Authors: Peter Grant
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure
lot. In particular, bring the certified results of those spacer vo-tech classes you took online. Also, bring details of any existing bank accounts - you'll want to transfer them."
    "Aye aye, Bosun."
    Steve shuddered, then sighed with heartfelt relief as the probe withdrew from his anus. The pressure on the rest of his body began to ease as the med unit completed its analysis, retracting the figure-hugging sensor-laden lining surrounding him. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, but was probably no more than a minute or two, before the front of the machine swung open. He almost fell forward into the examination room before he caught his balance.
    The tech sitting at the console looked round, ignoring his nakedness. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked.
    "That's easy for you to say," he grumbled, crossing stiff-legged to the fresher door. "You haven't just had a sadistic computer shove a pole up your ass!"
    She giggled. "Depends what turns you on, doesn't it? At least it's pre-warmed and lubed! Towels are in the rack, soap and shampoo sachets in the cupboard. Stop at the front desk to get your results."
    He lingered under the hot water, vainly attempting to wash away the vague feeling of violation that the examination had produced in him. Dressing, he headed for the front desk.
    "So, am I going to die?" he asked.
    The receptionist grinned. "I'm sure you will someday, but probably not today. According to Dr. Herbert, you're in good health."
    "Dr. Herbert?"
    "The med unit. A couple of years back, someone said that since it was doing a doctor's job, we might as well give it - him - a name."
    "Oh. What about the results of the blood, urine and stool tests?"
    "The initial results came back clean. It'd be very unusual if the detailed results turned out different, so as far as we're concerned, you're in great shape. We've issued you a preliminary clearance for unrestricted shipboard service, and we'll make that permanent and communicate it to you, the League and your ship once we have the detailed results."
    Steve let out a low sigh of relief. He hadn't expected the medical examination to reveal anything that might dash his hopes, but it was nice to be sure.
    The receptionist handed him three black data chips. "Here are three copies of your medical and DNA profile. One's for your ship's records, one's for the Merchant Spacer's League, and the third's for you. Keep it safe. You never know when you might need a past full medical profile to help treat a disease or condition you pick up on some strange planet." She punched a couple of keys, then removed a green chip from a socket in her data unit. "This contains sizing information for your spacesuit and work gear. Give it to the clerk who takes your order. He'll know what to do with it."
    "Thanks very much."
    He walked out into the plaza, a designation which never failed to amuse him. Having been in town squares and plazas on Earth, the thought of a 'plaza' with plasteel walls, floor and ceiling, encapsulated within a fifty-kilometer-long, five-kilometer-wide and three-kilometer-high space station suspended in vacuum, still seemed incongruous.
    He crossed the plaza to a display window. It was labeled in old-fashioned gold script, 'The League of Merchant Spacers of the Lancastrian Commonwealth'. He opened the door next to it, went inside, and looked around until he caught sight of the Bosun, sitting in front of a desk in a glass-walled office at the side of the room. He tapped at the half-open door.
    "Ah! Come in, Maxwell. Got your medical profile? Passed all the tests?"
    "Yes, Bosun."
    "Good. Give a copy to Agnetha here. She'll enter it in the League's records, and use it to set up DNA-verified access to your account." He did so as the Bosun continued, "You have all your other documentation with you?"
    "Yes, Bosun." As he tapped his belt pouch, data chips rattled.
    "Once Agnetha's set up your personal file in the League's electronic vault, copy everything into it -

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