the answ ers off for Taffy. I couldn't stop thinking about Randy and Taffy being together. My eyes were swimming with tears, but I kept on writing anyway, even though everything got so blurry that I had to guess what numbers to put down. I w anted to get it over with as soon as I could, and I honestly didn't realize that I copied every single answer wrong.
When I went to Taffy Sinclair's locker after school to give her the homework, Alexis Duvall was there. Fortunately, Taffy's locker is near a drinking fountain so I stopped at it and hung around waiting for Alexis to leave. I ce rtainly didn't want her to know that I was doing Taffy's homework. I was still feeling rotten about seeing Taffy and Randy together during lunch period so I didn't pay any attention to what they were saying at first. Then Alexis said something that I couldn't help but hear, and I stood up fast and nearly spit out a whole mouthful of water.
"Come on, Taffy. Tuesday you said you knew who the thief is. Why won't you tell?"
Taffy didn't answer for a moment. I didn't know if she saw me standing by the drinking fountain or if she was just being a smarty, the way she usually was. I didn't want to hear what she was going to say next, but I couldn't stand to miss it, either.
"What do you think I am? A tattletale?" Taffy asked in a pouty voice.
"Gosh, no," said Alexis, "but if there's a real thief in the sixth grade and you know who it is, you ought to tell. Whoever it is might steal something else."
I glanced at them out of the corner of my eye, and Taffy was giving Alexis an icy look. Alexis shrugged and walked away. I stood there for a minute trying to figure out what I had just heard. Taffy had almost acted as if she were trying to protect me. I shook my head. That couldn't be it. Taffy Sinclair would never protect me in a million years.
"Oh, Jana. There you are."
It was Taffy. She had spotted me.
"Do you have my homework?"
"Here," I said, handing it to her.
She took it, and, of course, she didn't say thank you. I wanted to ask her why she had been so nasty to Alexis, but I couldn't. Part of me didn't really want to know.
"Don't forget," she cautioned as she slipped the homework paper into her notebook. "I'll be waiting right here for you tomorrow after school."
Fat chance I could forget. I thought about Taffy and her lousy homework all the time. I thought about it all evening when I was supposed to be doing my other homework and after I went to bed. I was also thinking about Randy Kirwan. I knew I had lost him, and it wasn't fair. I knew he would never call and ask me for pizza again. Our romance was over. And yet, I hadn't done anything wrong. I had found a crummy wallet. That was all. It was Taffy Sinclair who was doing something wrong. And look at what she's getting out of it, I thought. Free math homework and my boyfriend!
School the next morning started out just like any other day. Wiggins took roll, made announcements, collected lunch money, and then started the math lesson. Everyone passed their homework papers to the front of the room at the beginning of the period the way we always do. Then Wiggins explained the day's lesson and we worked practice problems while she corrected the homework. Just before the period ended, she handed back the papers.
I barely glanced at mine. I knew I had gotten them all right. My friends and I had double-checked each answer yesterday. I heard a shuffling noise up near the front of the room and looked in that direction. It was Taffy Sinclair. She had turned around in her seat and was looking straight at me. She looked so mad that I wouldn't have been surprised if she had started breathing fire and smoke. I swallowed hard. I couldn't imagine what was wrong with her, but there was no doubt about it. She was furious, and the person she was furious at was me.
My friends all noticed Taffy, too. During the next period they kept shooting puzzled glances at me as if to ask if I knew