Sworn to Protect (Vows of the Heart)

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Book: Read Sworn to Protect (Vows of the Heart) for Free Online
Authors: Kathryn Loch
hide and the fake doctor had found her. Ethan lifted his weapon . Dragging a deep breath into his tortured lungs and slowly exhaling, he fired.
    The doctor collapsed just as the brake lights on the Sub urban flared. The engine roared to life and the vehicle flew backwards, tires screeching. It spun around, facing Ethan. What the hell?
    Shots from behind him zinged off the pavement next to Ethan’s feet. He dove to the right, hit the cement hard and rolled, now facing the entrance to the garage. Two more men wearing suits and carrying guns ran toward him. A dark sedan entered the garage and stopped, the doors opening and two more men pointed guns at him. Shit! These guys were definitely Cordova’s goons. No doubt they knew Shanahan had been injured and Ethan would have no choice but to take him to the nearest hospital.
    The Suburban’s engine roared. Tires skidded. The vehicle slid around and stopped in front of him, now facing the opposite direction. The passenger door opened.
    “Get in!” Bethany cried.
    “Holy shit! How in the hell —”
    Bullets struck the back of the Suburban. Ethan dove in. Bethany floored it before he could close the door. She turned sharply, the massive vehicle barely clearing the cement walls as she rocketed up to the next level. Ethan nearly flew back out the door , but managed to close it before it hit a wall.
    “Fuck! You’re going the wrong way,” Ethan barked.
    “No shit, Sherlock! Fasten your seatbelt.”
    He noticed she already had hers on. “What —”
    “Fasten your fucking seatbelt before I send you through the windshield.”
    “Hell,” he muttered, but quickly secured the belt.
    The Suburban’s engine roared and they caught air as they hit the second floor of the garage. The cement wall ahead drew closer impossibly fast. Bethany was doing close to 50, they’d never make the turn. She was going to kill him at this rate.
    But Bethany hit the brakes and turned the wheel, the vehicle slowed and suddenly the Suburban was in a controlled drift around the corner. Ethan’s eyes widened, he glanced over and noticed she drove with one foot on the brake and the other on the gas. Her hands turned the steering wheel sharply, but also with experience and control, not in a violent panic.
    Next to them, a small cement walkway separated the passage leading to the exit. Bethany waited until the vehicle straightened before she jerked the wheel to the left. The Suburban jumped over the walkway, bouncing violently. Ethan would have hit his head on the roof if it hadn’t been for his seatbelt. She again slid the Suburban around to point the right direction. Ethan glanced out the window at the cement wall, less than an inch away.
    Bethany floored it, but this time they headed out of the parking garage. She blew through the wooden arm blocking the gate, sending splinters flying, and turned onto a city street.
    A few minutes later, Ethan looked back , but no one pursued them. Bethany continued to drive like a bat-out-of-hell, never traveling in a straight line for more than two blocks.
    “Okay, ease up! We’re good!”
    She didn’t look at him or back off the gas, her focus remained solely on the road in front of her. Only then did he notice her face was still gray, her breath came in rapid gasps and her knuckles were white on the steering wheel.
    “Bethany,” he said, trying to keep his voice soft. “Bethany , it’s okay.” Gently, he gripped her arm. “They didn’t follow us.”
    She sucked in a ragged breath and looked at him, her green eyes wild with terror.
    “Slow down, sweetheart, we don’t want to get pulled over.”
    She again tried to steady her breathing ,but lifted her foot from the gas until the Suburban slowed to the speed limit.
    “Jesus, Bethany, that was some driving,” he said, genuinely impressed. He had been trained for high speed pursuits , but he wouldn’t have been able to pull off what she had just done.
    “Thanks,” she said , but her voice was soft…too

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