Surviving Doctor Vincent: The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 2

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Book: Read Surviving Doctor Vincent: The Good Doctor Trilogy Book 2 for Free Online
Authors: Renea Mason
Tags: Suspense, Erótica, Psychological, Medical, Sex, Mystery, BDSM, bondage, Erotic, menage, doctor, bisexual, polyamorous, nage, M&#233
wasn’t one for sentiments.” He closed his eyes. “There was one person...”
    My heart broke for him. I was always torn between the force he was in the eyes of the world and the human being he allowed me to see in these rare moments. To think, the only person to have ever told him she loved him was the same person he’d thought he’d killed. Had I not gone to Paris and discovered the truth, he’d still be punishing himself.
    “I’m sorry, Xavier.” I cupped my hand on his face and traced my thumb along his lower lip. “Please understand, I don’t withhold my words to punish you. I feel vulnerable saying them when I can’t trust yours.”
    He squeezed me tighter against him. “No more. You don’t have to worry anymore. You gave me the fright of my life today. You don’t have to worry.” He pressed his lips against my forehead.
    But before we closed the book, I still had a few questions.
    “Speaking of the restaurant. Who was the blonde? You obviously didn’t just bump into her.”
    “I think she’s my sister.” He brushed the hair off my shoulder.
    Now that was a surprise. Boy, did I feel foolish. “You think she’s your sister?”
    The smirk that pulled at the corner of his mouth told me he wasn’t going to relent. “Yes, I think. I have no proof. In Lydia’s journals, she spoke vaguely of what The Society called breeders. Women either recruited or selected to bear children with a certain desirable genetic make-up. My real parents are part of the Society, and I was not their only child. Other than that tidbit, there wasn’t much else written. I was obviously given up for adoption, so I had to assume the same was true for my siblings. So I searched early admission records at the universities in and around the Society House and started narrowing them down.”
    “But why do you think she’s the one?”
    “Well, if you hadn’t been so angry, you might have noticed a resemblance. We have a similar facial structure, the height, etc.” He grinned. “And she’s not a real blonde.”
    I raised an eyebrow. Surely, he hadn’t...
    “Settle down, it’s not what you’re thinking. I could see the roots in her hair. God...Elaine. What can I do to restore your faith in me?”
    I stared into his eyes, all the while knowing the answer. I couldn’t resist him. Even when I wanted to push him away, something connected me to his complexity. Curiosity? Challenge? Love? Whatever the magnetism was, frustration diminished my control with him. I looked up into his eyes. “I don’t know, Xavier. I’d do anything to make the doubt go away, but I can’t. When will you know if Monica’s your sister?”
    “I’ll know for certain when the DNA test comes back this week.”
    “Does she know you suspect the connection?”
    “No. She’s an attorney. I approached her as a client.”
    “Then how did you get her to give you her DNA?”
    “The same way as I was able to determine you didn’t suffer from any communicable disease and were taking birth control before you came to Paris.” He winked.
    “Other doctors will do anything for you, won’t they?”
    “Yes, being me does have privileges.”
    “What will you do if you find out she is your sister?”
    He sighed. “I don’t know. The facts are all unraveling so fast; just when I think I’ve figured something out, the scene changes. But now I know who some of the players are.”
    “So what are you...” I cleared my throat, not sure if I wanted to know the answer. “I mean, what are we going to do now?”
    Tracing a finger along my jaw, he smiled. “We’re going to stay here tonight. Just like this.” He molded his body to mine. “You’re going to tell me again that you love me, and in the morning, I’ll make breakfast before you pack. Then we’ll leave.”
    “Where are we going? And for how long?”
    “You can’t stay here. If they saw me with you, then you are in danger. I can’t risk them coming here like they did

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