
Read Superpowers for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Superpowers for Free Online
Authors: Alex Cliff
Having superpowers was amazing. He wished they could keep them forever but he knew Hercules was right. They couldn’t. He looked at the gatehouse wall. ‘Are you ready, Fin?’
    Finlay nodded and together they placedtheir hands on the stone they had taken the superpower from. Warmth flooded out of them into the wall. After a long moment the stone turned cold under their hands. They pulled their fingers away. The shape of a sword clutched by

    two hands glowed brightly and then the lines faded.
    â€˜It’s gone,’ Max said quietly.
    â€˜My skin still feels all weird though,’ Finlay said slowly. ‘Sort of tingly.’
    â€˜Mine too,’ Max realized. ‘But only bits of it.’ He glanced down at his arm, which seemed to be prickling near the top, and stared. The wound that he had got while fighting a Man-Eating Bird two days ago was changing. The sore red edges were healing over and hardening and the wound was getting much smaller.
    â€˜Our wounds!’ he exclaimed, looking at his leg and seeing that the wound that had been there had healed too. ‘They’re turning into scars.’
    â€˜Scars that are the same as the symbols of the superpowers we had,’ Finlayexclaimed, checking his own wounds. ‘Look!’ he pointed to his ankle, where he now had a small scar in the shape of a shield. He checked the wound from the bull’s horn – it was hardening into a small scar in the shape of a leaping stag.
    â€˜Your powers may have gone now,’ Hercules told them. ‘But the scars remain. They will stay with you forever, badges of strength and honour, reminding you of everything you have learned and everything you have achieved.’
    â€˜Wicked!’ Finlay said in delight.
    Max nodded. He had three real scars. How cool was that? ‘Guess they might be tricky to explain when we get changed for PE!’ he said.
    â€˜They’re quite small,’ Finlay said thoughtfully. ‘I bet no one will notice.’
    â€˜Until we show them!’ Max added with a grin.
    â€˜I must leave you now. Thank you,’ Hercules smiled at them and touched their shoulders briefly, ‘my friends.’
    Finlay smiled at him. ‘See you around, Hercules!’
    Hercules nodded gravely. ‘Perhaps you shall. Farewell.’ He clapped his hands and the next second he was gone.
    The castle keep felt suddenly very empty. Max looked at Finlay. ‘Wow! What a day!’
    â€˜What a week!’ said Finlay.
    â€˜It’s been fun, though,’ said Max.
    â€˜If you like getting gored by bulls,’ Finlay said.
    â€˜And savaged by sabre-toothed lions,’ Max agreed.
    â€˜Not to mention being chased by giant pigs and Man-Eating Birds,’ Finlay grinned.
    Their eyes met. ‘Maybe it’ll be good to be normal again,’ Max said.
    Finlay nodded. His stomach rumbled. ‘I’m starving.’ He remembered something. ‘Hey, we’ve still got our picnic to eat! There’s all those sandwiches and cakes!’
    â€˜Yeah!’ Max said. ‘Let’s go back and get the picnic hamper.’
    â€˜What did your mum put in the sandwiches, anyway?’ Finlay asked.
    â€˜Roast beef,’ Max replied.
    â€˜Lucky those bulls didn’t notice or they might not have been too keen on following us!’ Finlay chuckled.
    Max looked at where the crack in the ground had been. ‘I guess we won’t be searching for the dungeon any more.’
    â€˜No way,’ Finlay said. ‘Bye, Juno!’ He glanced at the grass. ‘You’re history.
    â€˜Only thing is, Fin,’ Max said thoughtfully, looking towards the dungeon, ‘my dad says that sometimes history repeats itself.’
    â€˜I hope it doesn’t this time,’ said Finlay. He stretched. ‘Come on! I’m
! Last one to the picnic basket eats a fresh cowpat!’
    He raced towards the

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