Congress, Washington, D.C.
Darrow Papers: Clarence Darrow Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Fortas Papers: Abe Fortas Papers, Princeton University Libraries, Princeton, N.J.
Hicks Papers: Judge Sue K. Hicks Papers, University of Tennessee Libraries, Knoxville, Tenn.
Mims Papers: Edwin Mims Papers, Vanderbilt University Libraries, Nashville, Tenn.
Peay Papers: Official Papers of Governor Austin Peay, Tennessee State Archives, Nashville, Tenn.
Transcript: The World’s Most Famous Court Case: Tennessee Evolution Case. Dayton: Bryan College, 1990.
Abrams v. United States
Academic freedom
Adventists, Seventh-Day. See Seventh-Day Adventists
Age of Reform (Hofstadter)
Aguillard v. Edwards
Allen, Frederick Lewis
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
American Association of University Professors (AAUP)
American Bar Association
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU): on academic freedom ; on antievolution laws; and Clarence Darrow ; on creationism laws; criticism of ; and Epperson v. Arkansas ; on free speech ; handling of Scopes appeal by; handling of Scopes trial by; instigation of Scopes trial by ; origins of; and public opinion; and Scopes legend; Scopes trial strategy of
American Federation of Teachers
American Jewish Congress
American Legion
American Museum of Natural History
American Naturalist
American Philosophical Association
American Political Tradition
American Psychological Association
American Scientific Affiliation
American Union Against Militarism
Amherst College
Anderson, Maxwell
Angell, James Rowland
Anti-Defamation League
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (Hofstadter)
Associated Press
Association of American Colleges
Atkins, Gaius Glen
Atlanta, Ga.
Bailey, Forrest
Baldwin, Roger N.: background of ; role in shaping ACLU ; and Scopes case
Baltimore, Md.
Baptists: on evolution; and fundamentalism; in Tennessee
Battle Creek, Mich.
Beard, Charles A.
Bible: acceptance of ; higher criticism applied to; interpretation of
Biblical creationism. See Genesis account of creation
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)
Black, Hugo
Boston, Mass.
Bowler, Peter J.
Brennan, William J., Jr.
British Broadcasting Corporation
British Museum
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Broon, Robert
Brown, Arthur I.
Brown, Foster V.
Bruno, Giordano
Bryan, Charles
Bryan College
Bryan, Mary Baird
Bryan, William Jennings: and antievolution crusade ; “Bible and Its Enemies” speech; on creation; death of; on education ; on eugenics; on evolution ; in Florida; historical assessment of; influence of ; joins Scopes prosecution ; on majority rule ; on media ; “Menace of Darwinism” speech; on pacifism; political activities of; posttrial activities of; posttrial plans of; pretrial activities of; “Prince of Peace” speech; on public opinion ; religious views of ; role attacked by defense ; role at trial criticized ; on science ; in Scopes legend ; in Tennessee ; and Tennessee antievolution law 106; at trial; trial strategy of; testimony by
Bryan, William Jennings, Jr.
Bryn Mawr University Buchanan, Patrick
Burbank, Luther
Burge, Edward
Butler, John W.
Butler, Nicholas Murray
Carnegie, Andrew
Carpenter, Joel A.
Carter, Stephen L.
Catholics, Roman: bias against ; on evolution ; and science
Cattell, J. McKeen
Caudill, Edward
Chattanooga: and Dayton; individuals from; trial participants in
Chattanooga News
Chattanooga Times: editorial position of; pretrial news coverage by ; Scopes appeal coverage by; trial news coverage by
Chicago Tribune:
Natalie French, Scot Bayless