Tonya grabbed Sugar Doll by the arm and pulled her quickly from the club. As they ran down the street Sugar Doll looked over her shoulder as she saw Remy standing in the window looking out at her. She thought that she saw him wink.
“C’mon girl, what you doing flirting with that white boy for? And you told him your born name. I thought that you would never tell anybody but me and your close family.” Tonya scolded.
“It don’t matter. I’m never going to see him again. He probably flirts with all the girls.” Sugar Doll said this but in that moment she had felt very special. His cool blue eyes regarding her with admiration and passion and humor had been the sexiest moment in her life. Later that morning as she prepared for bed she could not stop thinking about him and the brief moment he held her on stage in his arms.
A Cadillac pulled into Big Ma’s yard. “Now who could that be this time of morning?” Big Ma asked Sugar Doll as they both walked out onto the porch to see who their visitors were. “Looks like Bertrand got a ride with some white boy.” Big Ma said again. Sugar Doll’s heart skipped a beat. She held her breath.She was so excited that she ran to the front of the porch. She caught herself when she looked behind her and saw the expression on Big Ma’s face. She realized that she had better calm down or she was sure to be embarrassed by her grandmother.
“Hey now!” Came Bertrand’s customary greeting. Big Ma waved at him.
“C’mon in, I just made a pot of chicory coffee.” Big Ma smiled at him.
“You don’t have to tell me twice, you got any shortbread Big Ma?” Bertrand hustled up the path well ahead of Remy who followed slowly behind looking only at Sugar Doll. She immediately felt self-conscious. She touched her hair absently.
“What you bring that white boy to my house for? You ain’t selling drugs is you?” Big Ma whispered loudly to Bertrand.
“No! Big Ma, settle down that there boy is a singer. Famous in the French Quarter, he is.” Bertrand gave his easy smile and headed inside for the kitchen which was filled with the sweet smell of coffee and freshly cooked dough.
“Good morning ya’ll.” Remy drawled. He came up the steps and hugged Big Ma. She was not expecting this and giggled like a schoolgirl. Her eyes glistened as she looked at the handsome young man. Her misgivings were already disappearing.
“Do you know who Perry Como is boy?” Big Ma asked.
“Well, not personally, but he’s a hellava singer ma’am.” Remy smiled and sang a bar of a song that Sugar Doll didn’t recognize. Big Ma seemed very pleased with this.
“C’mon inside and get yourself some coffee and shortbread, the best in the parish.” Big Ma went into the kitchen and put on her apron. She was going to make a new batch. Bertrand was already at the table eating everything in sight.
Bertrand wiped his hands off on a wash cloth that was still on the table. He stood formally and announced as though he were in the club, “Big Ma, please let me introduce you to Mr. Remy Gaudeaux. He is the best singer in the French Quarter. He’s a better singer than Perry Como, Elvis and the Beatles put together.” Big Ma regarded Remy again.
“Ain’t nobody a better singer than Perry Como and that’s that.” Big Ma smiled and poured Remy a cup of coffee. He sat down at the small wooden kitchen table.
“Well although I think that’s high praise Bertrand I can honestly say that I’m not better than any of those fellas, I’m different from them and that’s all.” Remy smiled modestly. “Now Sugar Doll can sing. What a beautiful voice she has.” Remy added looking admiringly at Sugar Doll.
“Sugar Doll’s singing is for the church, maybe even a gospel quartet.” Big Ma warned, cooling off on her first impression of Remy. “Bar room singing is fine for young men and fast women but not my baby. She is destined for the Lord and a good church going man. Remy, you go to