Storm of Arranon Fire and Ice
in the
forest just below the tree line.” She glanced at Cale. “You were
busy with the murder of that woman.” Her gaze shifted to Jaer. “You
were out searching for what killed her. This was something I knew I
could take care of. I could bring the soldiers in without a
    Jaer glanced at Roni and nodded. “Take Aven
and check it out. Find the soldiers. Bring them here, alive.”
    Roni spun back to the main tunnel and rushed
away before Erynn was able to protest.
    Erynn narrowed her eyes. “Didn’t you hear
what I just said? Something is out there. A lot of those…things are
roaming the forest. You’re only sending Roni and Aven?”
    Cale’s irritation receded. “I believe you,
Erynn. Aven and Roni are Anbas. Sometimes less is better. They can
handle whatever is out there. Besides, their goal is to find the
soldiers, not some strange animal roaming the woods.”
    Erynn sighed. Her shoulders slumped under her
weariness. Cale was right. She was worried about Aven and Roni
after what she’d experienced, and maybe she didn’t need to be. The
alien soldiers were more of a threat.
    Cale nodded to Jaer. “We need to find those
soldiers. If they have the ability to contact others of their kind,
the invasion of our worlds could start all over again. And this
time I don’t think we’d be so fortunate.” Cale turned to Erynn.
“What did you see? Can you describe the animals that stalked
    Erynn sighed. “Yes. No. Not animals. They
were tall, thin, human shaped.” Her jaw tightened. “They appeared
to be black, their skin shiny, oily looking.”
    Cale inhaled sharply and whispered,
    Jaer’s attention snapped to him. “It cannot
be. They are a myth.”
    “No. They are very real,” Cale said with
emphasis. “Zander claimed Shifters were Dhoran’s select soldiers.
His forward guard.”
    “But if they are back, that would mean…”
Jaer’s gaze darted to the dark tunnel Roni had run into. “The
attack. Could it have been Shifters, sent by Dhoran?
    “There’s no access below ground. I’ve checked
every millimeter of the tunnels and warrens.” Cale’s gaze followed
    “What’s a Shifter?” Erynn thought of the Anim
Blath’s warning. The colony feared that the alien invasion on
Arranon would stir the evil soul of Dhoran, waking his spirit and
rekindling his desire to rule Arranon, above and below.
    Jaer’s attention returned to Cale. “They
should be checked again. I will establish search teams for any
unauthorized way in.”
    “What’s a Shifter?” Erynn glanced from Jaer
to Cale.
    Cale sighed. “Yes. Tell the teams to evaluate
all tunnels for air pockets behind the walls. This could take a
    “What is a Shifter?”
    “We will get right on this, Cale. I will have
all my Anbas working the tunnels.”
    “Fine. I’ll go find one for myself.” Erynn
turned and started toward the access tunnel.
    Jaer grabbed her hood, pulling her back. “You
are going nowhere, except to your quarters.”
    Cale’s eyes narrowed and he glanced at Jaer.
“If you’ve got this handled, I’m going to set up a search grid for
teams. Can’t have them overlapping.” He hurried to the exit,
disappearing into the gloom of the main corridor.
    Jaer spun on Erynn. “I told you not to go out
    “No. You told me not to go into the tunnels
alone. I didn’t.” Erynn matched his hard gaze.
    Jaer’s teeth ground, making a harsh grating.
“Should I have confined you to your quarters?”
    Erynn’s eyes widened and her jaw tensed. “I’d
like to see you try.”
    “Do not challenge me, Erynn. You will lose.”
Jaer turned and stormed out of the transport bay.
    Erynn took in a deep breath and let the air
escape slowly through clenched teeth. “Well, that didn’t go exactly
the way I’d hoped,” she whispered. She was again alone.
    Emptiness pressed in around her.

Chapter 5
    “WHY DO I KEEP DOING this? I know military
SOP. I should have at least

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