Stone Walls

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Book: Read Stone Walls for Free Online
Authors: A.M. Madden
sexual tension between us. So what if my insides were buzzing from the minute I met him until the minute he left? In all the time I was with Peter, I never once felt a buzz. I’ve felt jitters and maybe some fireworks when we first met. I do remember the first time he kissed me. My heartbeat sped up a bit, but never a buzz. I’ve heard about the buzz, but I’ve never experienced it personally. I always thought that the sexual attraction people claim they could actually feel in every cell of their bodies was nothing but a bunch of malarkey…until now. I felt it and not just once. I felt it several times throughout the night. The biggest buzz came from his lips on my skin. So, if he wasn’t interested, why the kiss below my ear? What the hell was that? He’s extremely handsome. Why does someone like him not have a steady girlfriend? That’s a big ass red flag, if I do say so myself. He was so arrogant. Maybe the buzz was anger. Maybe, with each word out of his mouth I wanted to punch him, thus causing the buzz? Then again, I wasn’t exactly Mary McSunshine either. My attitude is what made him take off. I’m a bitch.
    “Earth to Ella?” Andrea waves her hand in front of my face. “Where the hell did you go?”
    She purses her lips and says, “Liar. Do you have more wine?”
    “Yes. It’s in the cabinet next to the fridge.”
    As she makes her way into my small kitchen to retrieve the wine, my phone rings.
    “Damn it!” Peter says before I can even say hello.
    “Peter? What’s wrong?”
    “I was hoping you’d be here by now. That you suddenly hated New York so much and missed me so much, you decided to give the UK a go.”
    “Um…the flights were all booked?”
    He chuckles over the phone. “Likely excuse. How are you?”
    “I’m great. How are you handling the move?”
    “I’m missing you tons, beautiful. Seriously, hop a flight.”
    I laugh at his request. “No can do.”
    He releases a heavy sigh. “It was worth a shot.”
    “It’s so late there. Why are you still up?”
    “Work is seriously kicking my ass. I decided to take a break to hear your voice.”
    Andrea comes back with our wine glasses refilled and rolls her eyes. She doesn’t understand why he keeps calling me, or why he’s obviously trying to keep a connection to me. The minute his ass hit that Virgin Airways leather seat, Andrea said he lost all ties.
    Just like me, Andrea liked Peter, but she didn’t love Peter. After he announced he was moving to London, we sat in her office during a lunch break literally listing all his pros and cons to pinpoint why we both felt the same way about him. We couldn’t come up with one legitimate reason. All facts pointed to him being a very lovable person and a great catch. She assessed it had to be because I was screwed up in the head.
    I couldn’t argue with her, I was…I am. I’m very screwed up in the head. Especially when it comes to relationships. I’ve dated plenty, but Peter was my first serious boyfriend. If I had a crystal ball in college, and it showed my life in New York including Peter, I would have no doubt thought I hit the lottery.
    Andrea motions for me to get off the phone while Peter gives me every single detail of his life, from the last time we spoke a few days ago. Andrea leaves the room, returning a few minutes later with a piece of paper.
    I think I just figured out what our problem was with him. Peter was the girl in the relationship, and you were the guy. He’s a yapper . I can’t believe we missed that character trait.
    Oh my God , she’s so right. I cover my mouth to stifle a giggle as he continues and continues. After several more very long minutes, Andrea starts making slashing motions across her neck.
    “Sounds like you’re doing great over there. Peter, I have to go. My job is also kicking my ass. Andrea is here, and we’re working.”
    “Oh, sorry, Ella. Okay, I’m glad I caught you. I’ll give you a call in a few days to check

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