Star Wars: Jedi Prince 2: The Lost City of the Jedi
Moffs that Triclops, the Emperor’s son, was both mad and criminally insane. He was a menace to everyone he ever met, friend and foe alike."
    "A very unfortunate situation," Kadann agreed, nodding his head.
    "After Emperor Palpatine died in the explosion of the Death Star, those of us grand moffs who knew of the Emperor’s wishes had to do something to protect what was left of the Empire," Grand Moff Hissa continued. "Did we dare let his son Triclops lead us-a son he had banished? Why if Triclops were ever put in command, I have no doubt that he would have destroyed us all-every grand moff, grand admiral . . . and every Prophet of the Dark Side!
    In fact, we grand moffs believe that if ever Triclops is allowed to sit on his father’s throne, he’ll destroy the galaxy, planet by planet, until there is nothing remaining."
    The black-bearded dwarf said nothing. He sat on his prophet’s chair silently, stroking his beard.
    "So you see, Kadann, we were in desperate need of a new leader," Hissa went on. "We couldn’t keep fighting among ourselves, warlord against warlord. The lower-ranking officers and common stormtroopers knew there were rumors that a three-eyed son existed who had a legal right to his father’s throne. And so-"
    "So you decided your new leader had to be a man with three eyes," Kadann said, completing Grand Moff Hissa’s sentence. "Someone the grand moffs thought they could trust. One who could claim to be the Emperor’s son without arousing any suspicions."
    "Exactly!" Grand Moff Hissa said, breathing a sigh of relief. "That’s why we asked Trioculus, Slavelord of Kessel, to claim to be Emperor Palpatine’s son and to serve as our new Imperial leader. Trioculus understands full well that the Central Committee of Grand Moffs is the real power behind the throne."
    "I have fulfilled your prophecy, Kadann," Trioculus said in a confident voice. "You foretold that the next Emperor would wear the glove of Darth Vader. And as you can see, I wear it."
    Trioculus held out his right hand, thrusting the glove of Darth Vader toward Kadann.
    "If you have any doubts that this is the glove of Darth Vader," Trioculus said, "then see for yourself."
    Kadann touched the glove and inspected it closely. "I recognize it," he said.
    "So then you are satisfied that Trioculus has fulfilled your prophecy about the next Imperial ruler?" Hissa asked.
    "He has indeed. The man who wears the glove of Darth Vader shall be our Emperor." Kadann then picked up the silver ball and spoke again. "But there is another prophecy about the one who wears the glove-" Kadann stopped himself in midsentence and fell silent.
    "What is it?" Trioculus insisted.
    Kadann squeezed the silver ball of chalk until it crumbled to dust. "Silver is the symbol of a Jedi Prince. There is a Jedi Prince from the Lost City of the Jedi who can destroy you."
    Trioculus sneered in disbelief. "The Lost City of the Jedi is only a legend!"
    "A legend only to those who don’t know the truth. For it does exist. And you, Emperor Trioculus, must find the Jedi Prince who lives there, or you will not rule for much longer." Kadann now raised his right hand and pointed his forefinger upward, as though uttering a commandment. "This is your destiny. Find the Jedi Prince and destroy him-or he will destroy you!"
    Trioculus frowned in dismay.
    "And where is this Lost City of the Jedi?" Grand Moff Hissa asked.
    "There are four continents on the fourth moon of Yavin," Kadann replied. "The Lost City is on the largest continent, deep beneath the ground, under the rain forest. Look for a round wall made of green marble in the forest. There you will find the entrance to the city. But you must find it soon. Very soon."
    "I shall," Trioculus said, putting his hands on his hips triumphantly. "Not only shall I destroy the Jedi Prince, but as ruler of the Empire, I shall rid the galaxy of Luke Skywalker and the entire Rebel Alliance."
    "Well spoken, Emperor Trioculus." And with that Kadann

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