Star Force: Resolution (SF89) (Star Force Origin Series)

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Book: Read Star Force: Resolution (SF89) (Star Force Origin Series) for Free Online
Authors: Aer-ki Jyr
independently. ”
    “ If you think we
will give up Rigall to Star Force or anyone else you
have truly gone insane .”
    “ If they wish
it, they can awaken it from orbit. You do not have the ability to keep it here .”
    “ They will not
do so while there are people on the planet that would die in the removal. It is
not their way. ”
    “ It is their way
to conquer races that attack them. The Nine are content to make a deal,
otherwise they will be helping in the assault whenever Star Force is ready to
mount it .”
    “ And the Yisv? ”
    “ We have not made
a decision yet .”
    “ Why forfeit
possession of the Hamoriti if it is safely sedate? ”
    “ You have been
deemed unfit to protect it .”
    “ We have never
wavered in our duty .”
    “ There are many
aspects to that duty, some of which you have not only failed but betrayed. The
Nine are wrapping up our long held duty by moving all Hamoriti to the Preserve.
Once that is complete we will assist Star Force as necessary in maintaining
their containment, but the problem will no longer be our responsibility. They
have the power to control them, and so long as we deliver those we hold to them
we will have acquitted our duty. So long as yours remains unaccounted for and
not under Star Force control it remains a potential threat. Therefore it will
be removed from your custody. We would prefer a peaceful transition .”
    “ No ,” the
Trinx said simply.
    “ Do your people
feel no shame for what you have done? ”
    “ I could ask you
the same. You are giving the most powerful weapons in the galaxy to strangers
that you hope will honor their word. If you are waking up the Hamoriti then the
matter is even worse, for if their control of them disappears they will all be
free. As of now they are sedate and how you could see the reverse as preferable
is beyond us .”
    “ There is
partial logic in your words, but I fear it is more arrogance than anything
else. With this Hamoriti removed your race loses its stated purpose for
existing. If you are not a Hamoriti protector then who are you? You will have
to revert to past objectives or chart a new path forward, and I sense you do
not want to do that. ”
    “ Do you? Are you
reading that from my mind or making assumptions? ”
    “ I am reading
that in your mind, but I do not need to. It is obvious by your race’s actions .”
    “ For the sake of
this meeting only, assume we agreed to your terms. You admit that Star Force
may not honor them. What point is there in making a deal with The Nine when
they are the closer and larger threat? They have the ability to destroy us with
a single Hamoriti and we know we cannot stop them. Neither can you .”
    “ You just stated
that they wouldn’t do such a thing .”
    “ Expecting them
to is a vast difference from them having the ability
to do something. Yes, they can come and take Rigall whenever they wish. Their reluctance to kill us to accomplish it is the only
leverage we possess and we intend to make use of it. We will not relinquish our
Hamoriti and we will not evacuate the planet. If you want it, you’re going to
have to take it from us by force, and we are well defended here despite our
recent fleet losses. ”
    “ There is no
need for any more of The Nine to die, on either side. I am here to find a way
to resolve the matter without further bloodshed .”
    “ It sounded to
me like you were sent here to make demands, not negotiate .”
    “ If you have a
counter proposal please make it .”
    “ We go our
separate ways. We will not leave this system and you will not enter it. The
Hamoriti will remain sedate and therefore not threaten anyone else. If we
release it to Star Force and they lose control we cannot resedate it, therefore it is advantageous to keep it in its present state .”
    “ That will not
satisfy The Nine, and based off my judgement of them, I do not believe it will
satisfy Star Force either .”
    “ Their solution
endangers us all ,” the Trinx

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