Standing in the Shadows

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Book: Read Standing in the Shadows for Free Online
Authors: Shannon McKenna
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, Thrillers
    Streaks of purplish red appeared on Georg's cheeks. The flush faded almost instantly to ghostly pallor. "I will help you," he said.
    "I know you will, my friend," Novak said. "And you will be rewarded for your loyalty. You must be patient, and trust me."
    The terrace door opened, and Tamara and Nigel stepped out. Nigel looked uncomfortable, but that was his natural state of being.
    Tamara smiled, stunning in her brief, ice-green dress. She'd changed her chestnut hair to red and her golden eyes to green since he had sent her to monitor the household of Victor Lazar, his old friend and nemesis. He suspected that she had done her duty there with a fraction too much zeal. Perhaps he was being unfair.
    In any case, red suited her, and after six months of enforced celibacy, it suited him, too. She was astonishingly beautiful. He would settle for nothing less in his bed. And her ability to hack into computer databases and change the nature of reality to suit his whims was nothing short of magic. She was immensely talented.
    Nigel cleared his throat "The courier has just delivered the blood samples from Switzerland," he announced.
    Novak nodded his approval. Plans were proceeding with orderly smoothness. "Excellent. You know what needs to be done. See to it."
    "The switch is arranged," Nigel said. "I have identified a technician at the DNA laboratory named Chuck Whitehead who is perfect for our purposes. I will arrange for him to do the switch late Sunday night According to my statistical analysis, that's the period when the laboratory is most deserted. I will dispose of him afterwards myself."
    "I have some good news, as well," Tamara said. "We won't need to bait the trap after all. The transponder on McCloud's car shows him parked outside Erin Riggs's apartment for thirty-five minutes this afternoon. He then followed her to her mother's house."
    His eyes wandered over her body, appreciating how the sheath set off her long, perfect legs. "Wonderful. Stalking the poor girl already."
    Tamara's smile widened. What a remarkable creature. Wanted all over the world for computer crimes and fraud, and her sexual skills were just as prodigious. She would do absolutely anything.
    In fact, now that he thought about it, her lack of squeamishness was almost inhibiting. A touch of disgust or fear was like a pinch of salt that brought out the flavor of a dish. After so long without sex, he had been less discerning than usual, but his natural high standards were quickly reasserting themselves.
    He was irritated. He wondered if she were doing it deliberately. Unacceptable, that one of his servants should presume to manipulate him. How
    Georg stirred restlessly, his fists clenching. "So the police must have told McCloud that we are free," he said.
    Tamara turned her brilliant smile upon him. "It would seem so."
    "Then Erin knows that I am coming for her."
    Tamara's smile faltered at the concentrated malevolence in Georg's voice. Then the smile quickly reappeared… and gave him an idea.
    "No, Georg," he said. "Don't be obtuse. Erin knows nothing of the sort. I have spent a great deal of money to arrange for reports of our sighting in France."
    "I am dying," Georg moaned, in dialect. "I suffer."
    Novak sighed. Georg could be so tedious. The poor man was a volcano of festering anger from his traumatic prison experience.
    Perhaps he should offer Tamara to Georg, and observe the results. He could gauge her loyalty and commitment, and at the same time, siphon off some of Georg's restless, dangerous energy.
    "Stay and help us celebrate, my dear," he said. "Georg, would you care to indulge? Let Tamara ease your torment."
    Georg's ruined mouth twisted in a feral smile.
    Novak studied Tamara's reaction. Her expression did not waver, but he sensed the tightening in her jaw as the smile froze into place.
    His loins stirred.
. This was what had been missing. Delicious.
    He smiled at Nigel. "Nigel, you may stay. Tamara likes to be

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