Spellbound: The Awakening of Aislin Collins
return for me was too great.
Even Sneachta did not linger outside for long. Most of the time she
stayed within eye contact of the house and when she was inside, she
was always next to me.
    Martha smiled warmly “Hello, dear child. I
hear that you have been having some problems lately.”
    She reached across the table to hold my
hands. She flipped them over and studied my palms. “Well, you have
a long life line, so that is a good sign,” she said. As Martha
studied my palms, I in turn studied her face. She was tired but she
had a joy about her. Her soft features and heart-shaped face
reflected the kindness of her very soul. Her ebony skin was smooth,
and the only hint of Martha’s age came from the silver strands that
were woven through her raven colored hair.
    “You tell me your tale… from your words,”
she said. Her Caribbean accent added a dramatic effect when she
spoke. Her rich auburn eyes blazed in the morning light, as she
listened to my every word.
    I reached over and poured Martha more tea,
her cup was almost empty. Then I filled my mother’s and then I
poured mine. Martha was like a grandmother to me. She had always
been in my life, but she still seemed surprised when I would serve
her the same way I served my mother. I saw no reason to treat
Martha differently. I loved her.
    I told Martha all of my account. Describing
every detail that I could remember and she listened quietly, never
speaking until I had finished.
    “It was an Abiku, an evil spirit,” she said
with a solemn expression on her face. “You must be very powerful to
have banished it away from you.”
    “Did mother show you the description in our
book?” I asked through a yawn.
    Although I was told to never talk of the
book with anyone, Martha was the exception. She knew all our
    “I showed the page to Martha before you
awoke,” my mother nodded.
    “I will bring you a blessed bell to keep on
you. My traditions tell of it fleeing once the bell is wrung,”
Martha interjected.
    “Will I ever be able to go outside again?” I
asked with a pleading tone to my voice.
    My mother and Martha both laughed together.
Martha patted my hand. Her touch soothed my racing mind. “Yes dear
girl, you will leave the house again. Your mama and I have been
casting spells while you slept and we have sewed talisman into
every item of your clothing. But I must say, that necklace you are
wearing has a very powerful protection charm attached to it.”
    I reached up and touched the necklace,
surprised by her words. “I did not charm it.”
    Martha smiled, “No, but the person who gave
it to you feels protective of you. I dare say that his desire to
protect you has caused the charm. You will learn in time that love
is the most powerful magic we have.” She stood slowly, as one who
was worn down would.
    I gave her a strong hug and Martha kissed my
cheek, “You are as dear to me as my own grandchildren are. I will
do all I can to help you.”
    She and my mother then left me alone in the
kitchen. I started cleaning off the table, my mind drifted to my
mother and of how she and Martha became friends.
    I was fourteen years old, just weeks passed
my Awakening, and was helping my mother dress for a Ball. Her
shoulders were bare and when I pulled her hair off her neck, I
noticed a long thread-like scar that went down my mothers back. I
started to trace it with my hand but she jerked away
    “What is that Mother?” I asked
    My mother grimaced at my question but did
not back down from it. “I will tell you, but it must remain between
us. Can you do that Aislin?”
    “Yes,” I said wide eyed, for this was the
second secret my mother had ever asked me to keep. After she looked
quizzically into my eyes, she began:
    “When I was thirteen years old I lived on
the Isle with my family; my four brothers, my mother and my father.
We had a simple life. We tilled the land and farmed. It was
laboring work but we

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