Special Ops Christmas

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Book: Read Special Ops Christmas for Free Online
Authors: Kristen James
body, and then taking her to the bed.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed. “I missed you so much. I
thought I lost you.”
    He stood and slipped out of his shirt, and then dropped his
pants. Seeing him naked never ceased to amaze her. This man—her husband—kept
himself in top shape with chiseled muscles defining every inch of him.
Everything a man should be, Aiden was.
    He moved over her, like he wanted to make love, but instead
he reached down to the ground. She wondered what he was getting out of his
pants because they certainly didn’t need a condom at this point.
    When he looked back at her, he had the small present again.
It was a small black box with a ribbon tied around it. She had forgotten about
it in the excitement of his arrival.
    “I want you to know I meant every word of what I have said
to you. I vow to have and hold you forever, not just physically but emotionally
as a supportive husband.” His voice was husky with love and tenderness, edged
with lust. She was aching for him and suspected he felt the same. That made his
gesture all the more special.
    He pulled the ribbon loose while she watched, and he opened
the box, revealing a glinting diamond ring. It had to be two carats!
    “Aiden!” She glanced down at the slim wedding band already
on her finger, which had three small embedded diamonds. At the time, it had
felt like the perfect ring for her, for their love.
    Aiden reached for her hand and slipped the stunning diamond
onto her finger, moving it up to nestle against her first ring. They fit
together perfectly.
    “This symbolizes how our love is growing.” His voice gave
out. “And now we’ll have a family.”
    A tear tickle its way down Vivianne’s face. She was crying
happy tears of love and shared memories and future possibilities. “Come here.”
It was all she could manage to murmur.
    Physically, she yearned for him as she felt her body rise to
meet his. Emotionally, her heart sang joyously.
    He made love to her looking into her eyes, wholly giving
himself to her. 
    “I’ll be here forever,” he promised.
    Suddenly she shuddered, crying his name, her entire being
releasing, taking flight in an exhilarating leap.
    Aiden spotted them through the living room window the next
day after breakfast. He knew he’d been caught. However, he’d gotten Christmas
with his wife and won her love again. That was what mattered.
    “Aiden?” Vivianne came up beside him, resting her hand on
his shoulder as she followed his gaze out the window. “Oh, no, what’s going
    She looked at him and understanding washed across her pretty
    “Well, I might have broken a few rules,” he said.
    “You did that for me, to get here for Christmas?” Tears
formed in her eyes. “You didn’t have to rush here that much.”
    “Yes, I did.” He turned to face her and put his hands on her
shoulders, holding her and wishing to transfer his strength to her. “We might
have fixed things later, but I wanted to get here for Christmas. For you.” He
looked down at her stomach and smiled. “I’m so, so glad I did, Viv.”
    She smiled as the doorbell rang.
    Within minutes, Aiden left with them, walking down the walk
with his head held high and calm on his face. Only at the vehicle did he look
back toward the house to offer a quick nod at Vivianne.
    Through the window, she mouthed, “I love you.”

Months Later
    “Congrats!” Daniels said, grinning at Aiden. They stood on
either side of Vivanne’s hospital bed. “And nice timing. I’m shipping out
tomorrow. Won’t be the same without you, but this…this is awesome, bro.”
    Aiden met Vivianne’s gaze and wondered if his eyes were
glowing like hers. Wasn’t it strange—he’d always thought he was the stronger
one, at least physically, but not after his wife gave birth. His marriage, and
now his children, were such a blessing and miracle.
    “Now which one is which?” Daniels asked.
    Viv laughed. “This

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