Someone To Watch Over Me

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Book: Read Someone To Watch Over Me for Free Online
Authors: Taylor Michaels
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Romance, Mystery, romantic suspense, taylor michaels
a manila envelope. “Here is the contract for
the security services.”
    “Oh, uh, okay.” Morgan replied as she took
the envelope, peeled the flap back and slid the document out. She
stared at the page trying to focus on the words in front of her as
Shawn started the ignition and pulled out of the driveway. Within
minutes, they were traveling west toward Cave Creek Road.
    “Okay, fill me in. What’s the schedule
    Morgan glanced up from the papers. “The
interview is at eleven. Then, I need to go to Copper Creek Resort
to review the furniture set up for the party. Then, back at the
store by four to meet with our web designer. We’re launching the
online part of the auction tonight.”
    “I thought the fundraiser was a dinner and an
    “You’re correct, for a few of the big ticket
items. However, to raise the kind of money we’re striving for, we
need to reach a larger audience so we’ll have approximately two
hundred items from electronics to dinners at local restaurants
available for bid on an Internet auction.”
    “Doesn’t the jewelry auction bring most of
the money?”
    Morgan smiled at him. “You may not believe
this, but I’m projecting over sixty percent of the funds we’ll
raise will come from more modest-priced items.”
    “Impressive, your idea?”
    Morgan slid the contract back in the
envelope. “Yes, I lobbied for it years ago, but dad wasn’t sure we
should do it. When I took over the event, I decided to move ahead
on this part of the fundraiser.”
    “Is your father still active in the jewelry
    “Not anymore. He had a heart attack a few
months ago and had to slow down. He keeps saying he will never
retire, but the truth is we only see him at the store about once
every couple weeks. He plays golf nearly every day though.”
    Shawn grinned. “Kinda sounds like he’s
substituted golf for work.”
    Morgan smiled. “You have a point. Mom says as
long as he limits it to eighteen holes a day she’ll deal with
    “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”
    “My younger sister, Vicki, is a grad student
at ASU, studying archeology.”
    “An archeologist? I would’ve thought she’d go
into the family business too.”
    “So did Dad. Her decision shocked him, but he
got over it. How about you? Got any siblings?”
    “One younger brother, he’s in the Marines and
is overseas right now.”
    “Have you heard from him recently?”
    “About six weeks ago,” Shawn replied
    Morgan fingered the papers in her hand and
studied Shawn. He straightened up in his seat and his right index
finger tapped on the steering wheel.
    “You must be very proud of him,” she added.
She pressed her lips together after she spoke. Her comment sounded
like such a cliché response.
    “We are, but he needs to come home. This is
his second tour. He’s done enough.”
    “Yeah, my parents supported him when he made
the decision to join, but they won’t rest easy till he’s back
    Shawn glanced up in the rear view mirror and
frowned. Morgan bit her lip and looked out the side window. In an
effort to be friendly, she broached a sensitive subject. Now Shawn
had shut down. Morgan glanced down and pulled out the contract. Note to self: Don’t get too personal with the hired
    The older model burgundy Japanese import had
trailed behind them since shortly after they left Morgan’s house.
Custom and semi-custom homes on acre-plus lots dotted the desert.
This car didn’t fit in. Shawn considered whether to ask Morgan if
she had seen this car around before.
    Who are you? He gently pushed down on
the accelerator and put some distance between them and the vehicle.
The car dropped back and then sped up to close the gap. His heart
pounded and adrenaline coursed through him. Was it going to be this
simple? Could this be her stalker? He glanced over at Morgan. She
was focused on studying the contract.
    Okay, let’s get a look at you, he thought. He

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