Socket 1-3 - The Socket Greeny Saga

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Book: Read Socket 1-3 - The Socket Greeny Saga for Free Online
Authors: Tony Bertauski
Tags: Science-Fiction, YA), ya young adult scifi
nanomechs that make up a generic round body, much
like the cells of your body. A processor is located at the core and
can shift the cellular nanomechs into whatever form is necessary.
Very useful. Humanity has not been granted access to this
technology yet.”
    “What, you don’t like to share?”
    “Many discoveries are still considered too
dangerous. When the circumstances are right, they will be
    “These Paladins,” I said, “they’re
    “That is correct.”
    “What gives them the right to horde all this
    “The Paladin Nation is a much more evolved
race of humans. The general public cannot be trusted with such
power. It would be like giving a gun to a two–year-old child. In
the hands of a responsible adult, a gun can be used safely.
However, a two-year-old child would likely harm himself.” He pushed
his shoulders back and tilted his head. “Does that make sense?”
    “But adults still shoot each other, so I’m
not sure the gun analogy works.”
    “That is why it is a perfect analogy. Even
guns are used irresponsibly. Can you imagine what the same people
would do with some of these magnificent advancements?”
    Spindle waited for my response. His facial
colors were muted yellow, fading back to silver. He turned to the
servys. His face jumped with dark blues but he said nothing out
loud. The servys drifted back to the walls and merged through them
as if the openings were all there, just masked with the illusion of
rocky walls.
    “If you have no more questions, we can
proceed to security assignment. We can begin our journey with a
friendly gesture.” He held up his hand, fingers spread. “Stick it,
Master Socket.”
    I looked at his expectant hand. “Do
    “Stick it.” He shook his hand. “It is a
friendly handshake that kids do. You stick it.”
    I held up my hand like his, expecting
something like a high-five.
    “No, no, you stick your fist in the palm of
my hand.”
    I did like he said, only in slow motion. Where’s this going? He wrapped his soft, fleshy fingers
around my fist and shook. “Do you see?” he said. “You stuck
    “What, you mean like Paladin kids are doing
    “No, kids in society. Kids like you do this,
yes. I hope I did it right. It is a friendly gesture. Did I do it
too soon? Should we be better acquainted before such customs?”
    “I’ll be honest, I never heard of it.”
    “You have not?” His head looked yellow
again, splattered with specks of black. “My data says this is very
    “Where’d you get the data?”
    “The data originated from a teenage website
named Pops. It is rated the number one virtualmode website for
teenagers in your age bracket.”
    “There’s your problem. Pops is for little
teeny girls and boys wanting to meet their favorite boy bands and
movie stars. About as stupid as it gets.”
    “Is that true?” The colors changed. “I will
have to rewrite my database.”
    “Good idea. And don’t ever do that gay
handshake again.”
    “Please do not curse, Master Socket. It is
unbecoming of you.”
    “I didn’t curse.”
    “I believe you did when you used the term
‘gay’ as a derogatory reference.”
    Now the colors on his faceplate were dark. I
was being scolded by a robot. And he wasn’t moving until I
complied, I think. “Yeah, okay. No problem. Consider the word
    “Very good.” The faceplate brightened. He
stepped aside and gestured to the door. “Let us proceed to security
    We went through the same door as Mom. It was
an elevator.
    “This is a leaper,” Spindle said. “It will
take us to any part of the Garrison in a matter of seconds. It can
move as fast as two hundred miles per hour.”
    “Two hundred? We’ll be pancakes.”
    “Not to worry. Anti-gravity floaters offset
the velocity. You will not feel motion.” Spindle stepped inside.
“This is the main mode of transportation within the Garrison.
Centuries ago, when the Paladin

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