James I: historical and cultural consequences (Basingstoke, 2006), pp. 177-86, at 179-81.
33 TNA, SP 12/279/59.
34 Bodleian MS Rawlinson D923, fo. 124, a copy by Rawlinson from Thomas Coxeter's manuscript. Elizabeth eventually spared the Percy brothers a trial on charges of treason, demanding instead a substantial fine.
35 A. D. Boyer, Sir Edward Coke and the Elizabethan Age (Stanford, 2003), pp. 289-90; Letters of Ralegh, p. 204.
36 Sherborne Castle Archives,Volume of Legal Transcripts 1593-1610, fos 3r-9v.
37 HMC, Various Collections, i, pp. 371-2, letter dated 25 July 1599.
38 Hatfield MS 209/6.
39 Sherborne Castle Archives,Volume of Legal Transcripts 1593-1610, fo. 13r.
40 Ibid., fos l Or-12r.
41 Ibid., fos 14r-16r.
42 Syon MS X.2.12 Box 2e.
43 Hatfield Maps Charts and Plans 2.
44 Hatfield MS 222/27.
45 C. Monro (ed.),Acta Cancellariae (London, 1847), pp.179,181. The suit failed, essentially because the facts in the case were old and unverifiable.
46 Letters of Rahgh, p. 230.
47 e.g. Hatfield MS 40/24.
48 Letters of Rale,Eh, p. 230.
49 J. W. Shirley, 'Sir Walter Raleigh's Guiana finances', Huntington Library Quarterly 13 (1949), 55-69.
50 Letters of Ralegh, p. 239.
51 Letters of Ralegh, pp. 209-10, 214-16. Hatfield MS 88/84; Hatfield MS Petitions 1798.
52 Letters of Ralegh, pp. 230-2, 239.
53 W. A. Wallace, John White, Thomas Harriot and Walter Ralegh in Ireland (Thomas Harriot Seminar paper, 1985), p. 22; T. O. Ranger, 'The career of Richard Boyle, first earl of Cork, 1588-1603' (Oxford, D. Phil. thesis, 1958), pp. 18-57;T. O. Ranger, 'Richard Boyle and the making of an Irish fortune, 1588-1614', Irish Historical Studies 10 (1957), 257-97.
54 Syon MS U. I.50a(2), Church's book.
55 Hill to Buckhurst, 25 September 1598, Hatfield MS 64/55;Trevelyan, Ralei,t!h, p. 341; Letters of kaheE'h, p. 211. On the hints at a more eminent role see Letters of Chamherlairn, i, p. 91, a letter of 5 March 1600.
56 T. E. Hartley (ed.), Proceedings in the parliaments (?f Elizabeth I, Volume II 1584-1589 (London, 1995), pp. 336, 338; Sir Simonds D'Ewes, The Journals of all the Parliaments During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth Both of the House of Lords and House of Commons (London, 1682), pp. 632-3.
57 In this regard, the session is analysed in F. Edwards, The Succession, Bye, and Main Plots, 1601-160.3 (Dublin, 2006), pp. 126-36, though the author attributes more animosity to Cecil than one can readily detect in the surviving evidence.
58 Hatfield MS 89/82, 83.
59 Hartley, Proceedings, p. 451; D'Ewes,Journals, pp. 671, 674. The tinners had petitioned him for reform of 'abuses' in the Stannaries many tines, e.g. Hatfield MS 79/83.
60 A. McRae, God Speed the Plough: the representation of agrarian England 1500-1660 (Cambridge, 1996), p. 12. See J. Edwards, 'Between "plain wilderness" and "goodly corn fields": representing land use in early Virginia', in R. Appelbaum and J. W. Sweet (eds), Envisioning an English Empire: Jamestown and the making of the North Atlantic world (Philadelphia, 2005), pp. 222-3.
61 Hartley, Proceedings, p. 377; D'Ewes,Journals, pp. 645, 646.
62 A. L. Rowse, Ralcgh and theThrockmortons (London, 1962), p. 224.
63 Letters of RaleeEth, p. 188. See letters from William Cecil written at Sherborne, including one in Latin to his father: Hatfield MSS 250/44, 251/158.
64 Letters of Rale,Eh, p. 200.
65 Stanhope was being spoken of in connection with the office in October 1598, see Letters of Cliauiberlain, i, p. 46.
66 BL, Althorp Papers, Althorp B2, letter dated 2 July 1601.
67 Letters of RalcE'h, p. 205.
68 Ibid., p. 206.
69 D. Dalrymple, Lord Hailes (ed.), The Secret Correspondence of Sir Robert Cecil with Jmnes VI Kir~~ of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1766), p. 203.
70 J. Maclean (ed.), Letters from Sir Robert Cecil to Sir George Carew (London, 1864), p. 86.
71 Ibid., p. 85.
72 J. Bruce (ed.), Correspondence of King James VI of Scotland with Sir Robert Cecil and