Sins of the Father

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Book: Read Sins of the Father for Free Online
Authors: Robert J. Thomas
let’s get to it. I have a poker game to return to and more money to win. I hope you’re better with that smoke wagon then you were at playing cards.”
“As a matter-of-fact, I am better drawing a sixgun than cards.”
“Well,” said Sloan, “do you want to do it here, or outside?”
“I like it fine right here. I can pour myself another shot right after I plug your sorry ass.”
The other men at the bar had already moved away, as well as anyone behind Sloan or Stone, who both had their hammer straps off and both had their right hands near the butt of their pistols.
“You’re a betting man, ain’t you Sloan?” Stone asked.
“You know the answer to that question already, so why ask?”
“Because I’d like to make a bet between you and me, Sloan. I have two hundred dollars in my pocket that says I can outdraw you. I’m willing to put it on the bar if you match it. We have witnesses, so whoever is standing when it’s over can collect the four hundred. What do you think?”
“I’ll take that bet. I don’t mind taking your money along with your life, if you insist.” Sloan and Stone both put their two hundred dollars on the bar and the bartender took the money, counted it and placed it back on the bar in the middle between the two men. Sloan and Stone were both staring at each other now, one trying to read the other.
“You ready, Sloan?”
“Go ahead and slick that thing out.”
Stone was the first to reach for his pistol. He was pretty fast and had almost leveled his pistol at Sloan’s chest. He wasn’t quite fast enough, though, and Sloan’s first shot hit him dead center in the chest. Sloan fanned a second shot before Stone fell and hit him in the stomach with the second shot. Stone turned to his left and fell to the floor. He gasped a few breaths and twitched twice before he finally passed on. Sloan had his gun trained on him just in case. Once Stone expired, Sloan collected the four hundred dollars from the bar and ordered another fine brandy. The banter started back up in the saloon and Sloan felt comfortable in his element. The fact that he had just killed another man did not bother him in the slightest.

    ESS AND THE B ROWN FAMILY arrived in Abilene, Kansas just before noon. Abilene had first been established in 1857 and it had grown to be a large cow town located at the end of the Chisholm Trail. There had been a lot of trouble between the Texas cowboys and the local cowboys. It was still a rowdy and wild town, but not the likes of what it was when the cattle drives were at their peak and Wild Bill Hickok was present. The sheriff of Abilene was fairly new since the last one had been shot by an unknown drifter who had come through town.
    Bad ‘Axe’ McCoy was the new sheriff, and he had gotten that nickname because of his prowess with throwing an axe. He had won every axe-throwing contest he ever entered and his father had nicknamed him ‘Axe’ since he was about five, when he first picked up an axe and began chopping wood. At age six, he began throwing the axe at trees and he just had a natural ability. After a while, and nobody remembers who it was, someone called him Bad ‘Axe’ McCoy and the name stuck from that point on. He was a no nonsense sheriff with a short fuse for anyone dumb enough to light it. He watched as Jess rode in with the Brown family and headed for the first mercantile store they came to, which was right across the street from the sheriff’s office. The sheriff was sitting in a rocking chair and watched the new family carry supplies out and pile them into their wagon. Bad ‘Axe’ McCoy got up and walked across the street and found Jess standing behind the wagon, pushing boxes full of food and other necessities needed to start a homestead. Jess turned to face the sheriff.
    “Afternoon, Sheriff,” said Jess, as he stuck out his hand for a handshake.
The sheriff hesitated for a second and then slowly brought his hand up and shook hands with Jess, but he did

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