Silence of the Geisha Horror: Yukis Revenge

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Book: Read Silence of the Geisha Horror: Yukis Revenge for Free Online
Authors: Bella Lamour, Ophelia Oomph
Tags: Silence of the Geisha
could he rape her, torture her, film it like a sadistic bastard and then
fall asleep
at the scene of the crime? Was he an idiot? Or was he just so arrogant, and assured of his utter infallibility?
    Yuki liked to think of herself as a practical, hardworking, intelligent woman. But in that moment, she became a creature of pure hate, and frenzied malice. She threw open the door and yanked the massive man out of his seat.
    “What, Jean Luc? Yuki!?” He sputtered in shock, trying to wake up as she threw him to the ground.
    She gave him no heed and slid into the drivers seat. Of course he left the keys in the ignition. What an arrogant, delusional prat.
    She didn't even bother to shut the door before igniting the engine and peeling off. She could see Buck scramble to his feet and try to chase after her, but she was gone. Long gone.
    For a brief moment she contemplated reversing and dragging his carcass across the forest floor, but she knew survival was her first priority. Survival trumped all.
    Pressing her foot down on the pedal, she sped towards the closest hospital. She contemplated going to one she didn't do her rotations at, so none of her colleagues or fellow students would find out, but she didn't have the time. She was well aware that she was running off shock and adrenaline. Very soon those would give out, and she would most likely lose consciousness again. She was also aware that she could succumb to her injuries well before she reached any sort of medical facilities.
    She made the gamble.
    By some miracle, she hit no traffic jams, or construction or any other hang ups. It was almost as if fate was trying to say sorry for the hell it put her through. But fortune, fate or luck, she peeled into the ER lot and practically tumbled onto the ground as soon as she opened the car door.
    “Ma'am you can't park he-Ma'am, are you okay?”
    “I've been raped,” She managed to wheeze between bloody lips. “I...I stole his car.”
    The hospital aide didn't listen to her. “Don't worry, ma'am. We'll take care of you. I need some EMTs out here, STAT. I have a woman, on the ground, and she's pretty battered.”
    Suddenly the person was kneeling beside her. He didn't try to move her, which was good protocol on his part. But he did slip he large, warm hand around her non-bruised one. “It's okay. They're gonna be here any second, and they're gonna get you to a doctor. Can you tell me your name?”
    “Yuki Kobayashi. I do my rotations here. I'm a third year med student”
    “You do? And you are?”
    “Uh-huh,” She wheezed. She needed to focus on the talking. On his face. Distract herself as the comforting effects of shock fell away.
    “Oh, well then do you have a doctor you'd prefer to see? You got any favorites yet?”
    “Not really. But...Harrison's kinda a dick.”
    “Gotcha. So no Harrison. How about Rivera?”
    “Yeah...Rivera's good.”
    “Awesome. Oh look, they're coming. You know what happens from here, right?”
    “'Fraid so.”
    “Alright, you be safe Yuki. I'll visit you once you're admitted.”
    “What was your name?”
    “See ya later Dwayne.”
    And then she was swarmed by medical professionals as they swept her up and got her on a stretcher. Finally, Yuki let myself give in to the darkness at the edges of her mind.
    She was safe.
    For now.

The Fall
    Intellectually speaking, Yuki knew exactly what was going to happen to her. She had taken the tests, studies the protocol. Even assisted by running labs and working clean up.
    But actually living the nightmare? That was an entirely different story.
    She had woken up in a standard hospital room. After a few brief seconds of panic, she realized it was the third time she had roused in a place that was not her home. Not her bed. She abruptly understood why so many victims begged to be able to go back home. After her trauma, she was aching for the comfort of familiarity. Of a safe haven that the clutches of her trauma could not

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