Shorts: The Furry Years

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Book: Read Shorts: The Furry Years for Free Online
Authors: John Van Stry
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, furry
thoughts George?"
    "Yes and no. Right now I feel sorry for that poor boy. He's all alone, only one of his kind at the moment as far as he knows. He's been well educated, but he's never been outside of this place really. Kind of rough for a kid when you think about it."
    I thought about that a moment. The kid had been living in a laboratory, under glass, for a decade. Probably started to become a real problem when his hormones kicked in I bet.
    "Well, let’s meet him." I decided.
    "Now?" George looked surprised.
    "Sure now. Why? He doesn't bite or anything does he?"
    George started a moment at that, "He's not an animal, he's a person, educated and trained..."
    I held up a hand and stopped him, "Just kidding George, let’s go see your boy."
    He nodded, and led me out of the room. A moment later we entered the room with the subject and the mirror. He smiled as he saw George, but stopped when he saw me and eyed me warily.
    For my part I just stopped and looked him over very carefully. He stood about five foot eight. According to the reports he'd reach five eleven , give or take an inch. He was of medium build, with well defined muscles, even the fur couldn't hide that fact. As I watched his tail flicked behind him, long, thick, and covered with fur as well. I looked up into his eyes then. His eyes were almost Human, just as his body was almost human, but not quite. His head was rather feline however, that and the tawny color of his fur proclaimed 'lion', the species on which his template had been laid. George liked cats, so his first test subjects were mainly that. He claimed he picked a lion as they are more social. Personally I think he just liked lions.
    "Hello," I said. "My name is Bill, I was the person in there," I motioned to the glass. "I figured you might want to meet the person behind the mirror for a change."
    He smiled at me, an interesting effect, considering it showed fangs, that while not as big as a real lion's, were still fairly large. Especially in that foreshortened muzzle. "Thank you." he said back, his voice deeper then I would have expected. It also had some interesting under and over tones. Not exactly a human voice, but then he wasn't exactly human.
    "And your name is?" I prompted.
    "Jeidyn," he walked over and offered his hand, or should I say paw? I shook it, happy they hadn't been cute and named him 'Leo'.
    He had a firm grip, and smelled rather pleasant, if a little musky.
    "So how are you today Jeidyn?"
    "Ummm," he looked to the nurse and George. They just looked at him like proud parents, which I guess they kind of where.
    "Ummm, Nervous." he finished.
    "Why's that?"
    "Well they tell me I'm supposed to be at some kind of ceremony tomorrow, that I'm supposed to meet all sorts of people and such."
    I nodded, "You haven't been around many people before, have you Jeidyn?"
    He shook his head, "Not really, just the folks here, and my teachers."
    I nodded, "Well that's all going to change now Jeidyn," I smiled at him, "You're going to be meeting a lot of people, and going places. I suspect we'll get to know each other quite well in time."
    He really looked worried then and I thought I heard an audible gulp. His tail was flicking in an obvious display of nervousness.
    "Look son," I said trying to re-assure him, "you can't stay here forever. Besides," I smiled again, "I would think you'd be dying to go see the rest of the world by now, and get out of this place."
    He smiled shyly then and nodded.
    "Good." I reached out and tousled his head fur a bit, he had a kind of mane, only it wasn't attached all around his head, it flowed more like hair. He looked startled for an instant, but then smiled even wider and let out a rather pleased sound, almost like a purr. The nurse and George both looked scandalized. Made me wonder just what sort of upbringing the poor kid had. 'Scientists...' I sighed to myself. But then I had been sent here for a reason.
    "Well George, I have to admit things here are far better than I

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