Shattered Light

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Book: Read Shattered Light for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Paranormal, Adult, Space Opera, sweet romance
the power and that was something that Kiiki could do something about until a tech talent came in to fix what was broken.
    Harken wrapped around her as she flew and he formed an invisible armour plating that only she was aware of.
    There was a sense of triumph to be free on her own world again, but being here with Harken was a rush she had never anticipated. In the distance she saw the amusement park that had started it all and she pointed it out to him as she flew.
    They arrived at the power station and she took in the damage. There was nothing else to do so she hoped that the transformers along the line could catch what she was putting out. With the generators completely shattered she had to send the power directly to the city and towns down the line.
    It was easy enough with all her practice of late but if their systems weren’t ready to come back online, it could be a bit of a shock.
    “Are you ready, Kiiki?”
    She chuckled as she heard Harken through her suit. “I am ready. I get the feeling that this is something I was designed to do. You might not want to be on me when I power up. Keep an eye out for any lurking jackasses in the darkness. I will leave them up to you.”
    Harken flowed off her and down to the decking as she knelt on top of the outgoing lines. She started to pour power into the system and in the distance she felt the slight tug as power was taken, absorbed and used to bring hospitals, city lights, and houses back online.
    Her Nishan would protect her from anyone behind her and she heard him calling for a repair specialist. Help would arrive and she would be relieved of duty. It was good to be home but she wished that it was under more joyful circumstances.
    * * * *
    Ainora got the message and headed toward the power station. Lyon was at the helm of her skimmer and Starbreaker was providing security.
    Being back on Resicor was surreal. After her escape she hadn’t planned on returning but here she was, part of an invasion to stop an invasion of her own people. The odd route that had brought her home made her smile. Only a threat to those that had threatened her could bring her home.
    Life was a very perverse thing.
    Approaching the power station she saw one of the most famous Resicoran talents on record, kneeling over the cables and sending energy down the line. Kiiki was legendary for her tremendous power and the amount of time she spent in the domed Damith city. Ainora wanted to ask her how she had survived in a restrictor suit for so long but now didn’t see like the right time.
    Lyon looked at her and grinned. “Good call.”
    “I hate it when you do that.”
    “Do what?”
    “Read my thoughts from my expression.”
    “You are easy to read. I am amazed that you weren’t caught far sooner than you actually were.” He laughed when she swatted his arm.
    He set their skimmer down and Starbreaker went on the alert to scan for any Raiders who were lying in wait to catch a repair crew.
    When she motioned that it was clear, Ainora hopped out and headed for the interior. She would figure out what was wrong and effect repairs or a bypass.
    The weapons fire inside the generator room looked worse than it was. She used the winches and cannibalized the parts that she needed from the most intact unit to begin repairs on four of the others. The other units had random parts blown to hell and outer housings to fix but getting the majority of them online would enable Kiiki to move on to another facility if she chose to.
    Ainora hummed as she worked, moving parts and settling them in position. It was surprisingly fun to put part of her world back together when they had tried to take her apart.

Chapter Seven
    Trala needed to rest. She was exhausted and while Hahvi had taken care of the lava situation, the oceans had still needed to be soothed into normal temperatures.
    Hahvi was standing next to her and she cocked her head. “I know it isn’t my place to say this, Avatar, but you need a

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