Shattered Heart

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Book: Read Shattered Heart for Free Online
Authors: Carol May
    “Honey, that doesn’t describe him. He is H-O-T. Heck, I’m attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be?”
    “I don’t know something just doesn’t feel right. Men that look like him don’t go for women that look like me.”
    “You didn’t always feel that way, Charli.” Suddenly, I felt as if the weight of the world had just dropped onto my shoulders. It must have shown on my face. Lana asked, “Have you talked to him, at all?”
    “Nope. Don’t intend to,” as I wipe a tear from my eye.
    “Well, alright then. Enough said.”
    Lana possesses some sixth sense and seems to know just when I need a hug. Holding her arms out, “Come here you.”
    “Thanks.” I turn around get into my car. “See ya tomorrow,” I say as I close the door.
    I stopped by Lana’s office the next morning catching Joan in there as well. “Good morning, ladies. How’s the world treating you this fine morning? I saw that! You two looking like I’ve lost my marbles. Can’t a woman be in a really, really good mood in the morning?”
    At almost the same time, I heard “No” then Joan answered “Well not you anyway.” Lana must have realized how that sounded because she jumped in with, “Charli Jensen, I have known you for almost fifteen years and you have never in all that time been a morning person, not one time. What’s up?”
    Raising my right hand, “I swear nothing is up. I just slept really, really well last night. Hey, what about a drink after work today? Besides I really owe the two of you an apology for all my bitchiness lately.”
    “I don’t know why you think you owe us any apologies, Charli, that’s just who you are,” Lana said smiling.
    Scrunching my forehead as if I was confused and placing my hand on my chest, “Who says I should be the only one apologizing, Lana?”
    “All three of us have been working really hard lately, Lana replied. Joan agreed we had been working exceptionally hard but it is also beginning to pay off. “I think we could all use a couple of drinks, just to relax.”
    “I’m up for a drink tonight minus the shop talk. What about you Lana? Joan?”
    “OK, Charli, you’re right about needing some “girl talk” time. We all three need to remember to enjoy this time in our lives,” Joan replied smiling.
    Our business reputation is growing right along with our funds.  Granted landing The Blaine Company’s account, would have helped us really get our name out there more but we haven’t done bad.
    “Ok ladies, lets get out of here and get our girl groove on, I say as I walk out to the front, where Joan is tap, tap, tapping away oh her keyboard. She looks up, “Give me about ten minutes.”
    I poke my head into Lana’s office, I mouth ten minutes when I realize she is on her cell. My phone is dancing the cha-cha across my desk as I enter my office. “Aren’t you going to answer that?” I shake my head at Lana as she walks into the room.
    “Let’s see the first round must be work related because we just booked Atwood Aviation.” Swallowing hard, I just looked at her. Lana knows how I feel about planes.             
    Closing my laptop, “Let’s lock up and get out of here.”  Meeting in the lobby, we stood discussing the pros/cons of the places around us, we decide Chester’s. It’s one of those national chains that has a restaurant/ bar combo. After a brief, actually very brief discussion, we agreed to walk the three blocks. We each headed back to our desks to change shoes. Walking might justify some nachos/cheese that Chester’s was known for.
    ”Let’s go ladies, my stomach is rumbling.” Since we can’t all walk side by side, I step back letting Joan and Lana out first. I lock up, turn around and stop dead in my tracks.
    There he is. Mr. Darn Good Looking Donovan in all his glory propped against a navy SUV that probably costs more than what I made last year. His arrogance radiates from him. No arrogance isn’t the word, it’s

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