Shattered Assassin

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Book: Read Shattered Assassin for Free Online
Authors: Wendy Knight
Tags: Historical fiction, Suspense, Romance, Young Adult
development?” Crystali stood just outside Kazia’s field of vision. Nakomi appeared at her side and Kazia stroked the thick fur, letting it calm her, praying that the images would fade. So much blood.
    “I don’t see why he would need to know this,” Luke said, his voice muffled as he checked under her bed.
    Kazia rolled her head to the side to watch him. “Since it concerns his future wife — and because he is now in the position to become king of my kingdom, I assume keeping him updated would be the intelligent thing to do.”
    Kazia just caught sight of Crystali’s smirk as she turned to go. “I’ll see that it is sent right away, your highness.” Nakomi disappeared into the shadows, reappearing several yards away, sniffing the air.
    “Thank you.”
    “Will you be requiring anything else tonight?” Crystali paused in the doorway, glancing back at her with a concerned frown.
    “No, thank you. Just sleep.”
    “We’ll be outside the door, should you need us,” Luke said, following Crystali out. He shut the door behind him with a sharp click and Kazia frowned. He confused her. She didn’t like to be confused. And she was too tired anyway. Her bed was so far away, hiding in the long shadows where the light from the fire couldn’t reach. “Nakomi, come.” She patted the side of the chair and her wolf came obediently, settling at her feet. Kazia curled in a ball, and was asleep before the coals even began to glow.


    S HE WOKE IN THE DARKEST HOUR of the night. Nakomi sat next to the chair, watching like she’d been expecting her master to wake. “One day, I will sleep until dawn,” Kazia informed her, stretching her cramped muscles. Sleeping curled in a chair for several hours straight had not been the most intelligent thing she had ever done. Intelligent. Yes, she used to make the smart choices. She was marrying Randolf — that was a smart thing to do. But ever since the attack, nothing she did or said was smart. “I’m a wreck, Nakomi.” She shuffled across the room, flopping on the bed and staring at the canopy above, but sleep didn’t return. She laid there for several minutes, willing her eyes to close before she gave up, heaving herself to her feet. She patted her side and Nakomi joined her at once.
    The door creaked when she opened it, and the two guards — Luke’s men, one she knew and one she didn’t, greeted her. “I need air,” she said.
    They exchanged a panicked glance. “Your highness, we aren’t to leave your hallway. We can’t protect your room and you if you aren’t in the same place.”
    Kazia nodded. “I understand. Nakomi will accompany me.” She started down the hall and the one she knew — Heath — moved to intercept her, eyes wide. Kazia could see the fear of his future queen battling with the fear of his commanding officer.
    “Princess, please, if we let you out the captain will skin us alive, as well he should.”
    “No, he should not. I won’t go out. I’ll stay in the manor. I’ll stay in this hallway if it will make you feel better.”
    Again, they exchanged a panicked look.
    She changed tactics. “Heath, do you remember when we were younger, and you were my sparring partner?” Sparring partner indeed. He had kindly refrained from chopping her to bits while she heaved her sword around and tried not to chop off her own arm.
    The barest hint of a smile replaced his panic. “Yes, Princess.”
    “Then think of me as your friend. Please. I am not here to get you in trouble. I will stay in your sight at all times. I promise.”
    He finally relented, and she spent the night wandering the halls, well within his sight. She admired paintings and tapestries and the ornate marble statues standing at the stairwell landing. When the sun was just above the trees and the new guard came to replace Heath and his partner — who had never offered his name and who hadn’t said a word all night long, she finally started yawning and went back to bed.

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