Shadows in the Night [Hawkman--Book 12]

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Book: Read Shadows in the Night [Hawkman--Book 12] for Free Online
Authors: Betty Sullivan La Pierre
    She pulled a large ledger to the center of the desk and flipped it open. Running her finger down the columns, she glanced up at him with a frown. “I hadn't counted these up lately, and don't like what I see."
    "There have been seven residents who have passed away in the last six months."
    "Is that high?"
    "Definitely. I remember it went through my mind that we had numerous openings come up in just a short time. Of course, there are always some who don't like our facility and want to leave or find it too expensive for their budgets. Sometimes it gets so busy I miss things, which is no excuse on my part."
    "You're human, and there are occasions when life becomes a challenge just to keep up."
    She looked at him over the rim of her reading glasses. “You're very kind, but my boss might not be so understanding when I bring this to his attention months later."
    "Let's look into these deaths."
    [Back to Table of Contents]

    Knowing he wouldn't have time to decipher the recording before talking to Maggie and George, Hawkman removed a small pad of paper from his pocket along with a pen. He could fill in the blanks later.
    "Ms. Montgomery, would you be allowed to give me the phone numbers of the next of kin of these individuals?"
    "Please, call me Lisa. We were told to cooperate with you, and I really don't see a problem. The children or spouses would be able to give you more details than I'm allowed to indulge, and probably more than I know."
    "Let's start with the one who passed away six months ago. I'm going to jot down the names and phone numbers in case I have a chance to call them before I get to the recorder."
    "Okay, you ready?"
    "Marion Carter. It appears she only has one child, a son. His name is Jerry Carter. I have his address, would you like it too?"
    "Yes, addresses would be very helpful."
    Hawkman jotted down the particulars.
    "Faith Lambert passed away the same month. She has two children: a daughter, named Janis Hamel, who lives here in Medford and a son, William Lambert, who resides in Texas. The next month Jacob Thompson died. He has two daughters. Lillian Nichols lives in Grants Pass, and Nancy Walker, lives in Klamath Falls.” After giving the data, she continued. “Ronald White's records list his only survivor as his wife, Edna. She lives in Medford."
    Lisa read off the last three, which Hawkman recognized as the friends George had quoted. She filled in the information he didn't have.
    When she finished, he glanced up from his notes.
    "That's quite a list."
    "Yes, and it bothers me very much."
    "Did the same doctor look after these people?"
    "That's classified information. Each resident in the Independent Living area takes care of his or her own medical problems, so you'd have to get such information from relatives."
    "Do you have records of their health problems and medications?
    "Also classified."
    "Who manages the work schedules of the employees and outside contracts?"
    "Perry Foster is our Staff Coordinator. His office is next door."
    Hawkman rose and extended his arm. “I've taken enough of your time. You have quite a complicated job. I really appreciate your help. I might need your assistance periodically and hope it will be all right to drop by."
    She stood and shook his hand. “No problem. It was a pleasure. I just hope there's no one in our organization threatening the Hamptons, or frightening any of our residents. It's scary to think about."
    "Hopefully, it won't take long to get to the bottom of the problem. Have a good day and thank you again."
    Hawkman left her office, flipped off his recorder, and journeyed back to Maggie's room where he found her and George watching a television program.
    "How are you feeling, Maggie, after that stir you caused during the night?"
    George laughed. “Leave it to my ball of fire to get noticed."
    Maggie gave him a playful swat on the shoulder. “I don't like that kind of attention."
    He pointed a finger at her. “Not only

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