section. The tub of water looked murky, but I dipped my wrist in and used the cloth still sitting inside to scrub the wound. It hurt and fresh blood colored the water, but it was better than Utan smelling the sith on my skin.
More blood welled around the wound as I carefully dried it off and wrapped the fabric around my wrist. It wasn’t fancy and Utan would notice, but at least it would keep him wondering. I wasn’t ready to deal with him. There was no way the night could get worse.
I stopped in front of the pile of clothes and dug Katrina’s jacket out, then pulled the pin off the collar. It was the diablo symbol, a blood red D with a spiked tail. I pinned it to my shirt. It was a show of defiance, but I didn’t care. I already died twice, if I counted going into that weird world after D’s spirit. There was so much to learn and so little time.
My fingers tingled. Everything was overwhelming and I still needed to hold on. If something happened to me, I wouldn’t be able to protect Rex and his wolves. I’m sure Rex wouldn’t like knowing I thought he needed protection since he aspired to be the alpha of his pack. He wasn’t my only concern. I needed to find D and Jose.
There was a pair of soft leather shoes by the door and I slid them on. I liked my high boots, they made me feel girly, but these didn’t have heels which would help with the sneaking around. I tied them tightly, then stretched the aches from my body.
Everything inside me said stay in the room, but I wasn’t a little girl. I couldn’t hide from my problems because lately, they came looking for me. Proceed with caution came to mind as I crossed through the beaded doorway. My skin was sensitive to the brush of the beads. Even my head felt heavy. Maybe she took more blood than I thought.
The tunnel was long and fairly dark if not for the firelight that pressed between other beaded curtains. It wasn’t enough light to see by and the hall grew very dark just beyond the small signs of life. Utan wasn’t waiting, which was both a relief and a minor setback. I didn’t want him sneaking up behind me.
The beads brushed apart for the will-o-wasp that stopped just over my head. Her light wasn’t nearly as bright as the firelight, but her glow did press the dark back. A few months ago, I would have welcomed this, but now, I needed the dark. It was becoming as much of a blanket as the blade I longed to have in my hand.
I always stood up for myself, but this desire for violence was startling. The will-o-wasp rose a few inches higher, possibly feeding off the energy that rolled through me. If she followed, I wouldn’t have the element of surprise.
“Go back in the room,” I ordered. It felt odd talking to a ball of light. She brightened and fluttered a little higher. “I’ll be fine, go back inside.”
She was hesitant at first, which showed a large sign of intelligence. Embarrassment heated my face. She witnessed the intimate exchange between the sith and I when she took my blood. I refused to think about it now. What was done was done with witnesses and all. I just didn’t want to trust another creature to keep the secret.
She slid back through the curtain and for one moment, the firelight was alluring. The room was small but with one exit, could quickly become a trap. I craved the fire and the bed, even if I didn’t want to sleep. The mere thought of sleep drew those ghostly screams to the forefront of my thoughts.
My chest clenched. I murdered people. I was responsible for their death. How could I believe I was protecting Rex, when I was so destructive?
Again, I had to stop that train of thought. If I broke down now, I wouldn’t be able to help anyone. Rex was a fighter, but I wasn’t so sure about D.
I pulled the patch from my eye the minute I cleared the last doorway with light. It wasn’t much light, but from my past experience, I didn’t want to risk the headache, though I did want to see my face in a mirror and I’d need light
Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy