Shadow Falls: A Sensual Werewolf Romance (The Wolves of Shadow Falls)

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Book: Read Shadow Falls: A Sensual Werewolf Romance (The Wolves of Shadow Falls) for Free Online
Authors: Mary Andrews
into the woods sending me a message to follow him. I chased after him until I caught up and we stopped at a small stream for Storm to drink. As he drank he communicated with me and I saw the heartbreaking images of the dead pups, of Aislen’s sisters giving birth in agonizing pain to still born children and of Despina’s fury; her beautiful glamour falling to show her true self and demon. Storm and I agreed that she had a bigger plan for all of us and that the death of the puppies had set her back. I saw him purposely leaving the paw prints behind in the hospital after the babies were stolen, but I wondered why he would draw such attention to us. He knew then that soon Despina would reject him and as his time of separation came close, her glamour fell and he saw her for the demon she was. Still his actions may have very well put us in greater danger than we already were, I thought. In her rage and grief over the loss of her children, Despina had rejected him, breaking her grip on his mind and he was now free to choose whichever path he wanted. Despina had grown less fond of him over the years and it was time for her to adopt a new companion, so she took Rafe under her wing. Storm had escaped from the mine and sought refuge in the town. An old woman, who was unable to speak, took him in to safety and as powerful as Despina was she could not enter a human house without a spoken invitation. Storm’s experience with her trickery made him impervious to her antics and no matter what she did she could not reach him. But Despina was crafty she used her powers to glamour a young man, causing him to shoot Storm in the chest. Fortunately the bullet missed Storm’s heart. Now I understood the message he had sent me when he called that day. He was genuinely warning me of Despina’s intent to steal the children and use them for her evil plan. But what sinister plan could she have that would involve werewolf pups, I wondered. The information was all too confusing, but one thing was for certain, Aislen and the kids were in danger and I had to get to them fast.

    It felt like Storm and I were running forever to get to my house, until finally the windows of the upper deck came into view. The rain had subsided and I could see the leaves that the heavy winds blew sticking to the shingles of the roof. We shifted back to our human form, and two naked men emerged from the forest and onto the street. Mrs. Turner, an elderly woman that lived a few houses down from our house, stood with a green plastic bag wrapped around her hand like a glove waiting for her pet Yorkie to finish his business on her front lawn. She looked up and saw us running towards the house and gasped. I could not blame her for the reaction, if I had seen two naked men running across the street in the middle of the day, I would gasp to. I just prayed in my heart that she did not call the police. Finally we landed on the doorstep huffing like we had just run a marathon. The door was unlocked so we entered. The house seemed empty. I grabbed the nearest parka from the coat rack and covered myself, and then I tossed another coat to Storm. It was Aislen’s bright red trench that she wore whenever it rained. Storm grinned as he tied the fabric around his waist like a sarong and I almost burst into laughter at the sight of him because he looked like a very confused man. He beat me to the punch by laughing at himself. It was the first light moment we had ever shared together since meeting in the mine two years ago. It proved that he had a sense of humor and I was relieved to know his human self was a far cry from his wolf. We stood there laughing at ourselves for several seconds until we remembered the mission that we were so intent on completing.
    “Aislen!” I shouted, my voice echoed through the empty house.
    “Perhaps we should slip into something less revealing, before you introduce me to your family” Storm said jokingly.
    I led him to the bedroom and gave him a

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