Sex Me Down
their outstretched hands and they attempted to pull her down beside them. She shook her head and pulled, urging them to stand. She released them when they did so.
    Staring down at her feet, she twisted her fingers in her robe. The glow surrounding her grew stronger, brighter as she stood before them, her head bowed. Raising her head, she stared over their shoulders, obviously unable to meet their gaze. Taking a deep breath, she stubbornly thrust out her chin and took turns looking between them.
    “I know that I must accept you—accept both of you. I know who you are.” Her gaze faltered and she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she drew more energy into the sphere surrounding her. “I know what you are—what you need of me. But I’m afraid.”
    She turned to pace away from them, her hands still twisting the fabric of her robe, a nervous reaction Sayre was sure she was unaware of.
    “I need you to understand. I’ve lived my life in 42

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    the shadow of my sister. I’ve never been recognized for doing anything in my own right. I finally have the chance to show myself…” she paused, her gaze darting around the room as if searching for what to say next. “To show others who I really am. Not as Jaynee’s little sister. But as me, as Laynee.” She bit her lip, fat tears streaking down her face.
    She held her hand up when he would have stopped her. “Now you’re asking me to give it all up. Plus, I’m not as strong as my sister. Ask anyone. They will tell you. I’ve never even been with one man before, never mind two. I don’t—”
    Her breath came out on a sob. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t have the first idea how to please you both.”
    She bowed her head again, held her hands clenched together in front of her as she danced from foot to foot. An action that proved her fears, but even her standing up to them enough to talk this way, was an act of true courage. What do you think, Fane? Sayre asked, needing to have a private moment with the other male so he would know exactly where he stood before he proceeded. I do not need our mate to give up herself to be with me. I have been at the hands of the Hienial people. They try to kill what they don’t understand. They attempted to force me to admit my weakness to them. I have no desire to do the same to my mate. What 43

    Tianna Xander and Bonnie Rose Leigh

    say you?
    I agree. My time with the Banart left a bad taste in my mouth for such pursuits. I only wish to love our mate and give her the pleasure she deserves, while receiving the same from her. Fane growled low in his throat. What I want to know is who made our mate think so little of herself. I refuse to believe it was her sister. Is she merely shy and doesn’t know how to assert herself?
    Sayre stepped forward, slowly moving closer to her as Fane slipped around behind her. She needed to begin to trust them. This was a good first step. “Just you being yourself pleases us. Forget about what you think we need or want from you. Instead, let us pleasure you.” He reached out, picked up a lock of her hair and brought it to his face. “Even your scent pleases me.”
    Fane stepped up behind her, his chest pressed against her back. He lowered his head, his breath brushing her neck. Tendrils of hair stirred as he spoke and Sayre saw gooseflesh rise on her skin.
    “Be at ease, la nisa. We shall only take this as far as you are willing to go. Your needs must come first in all things.”
    She licked her lips and Sayre felt an answering surge in his cock. His balls tightened against him and he moved closer, trying to hide his reaction lest he frighten her.

    Sex Me Down

    “But—but it is not fair to you.” She half turned and looked between them both. “It isn’t fair to either of you for me to take while giving nothing in return.” She bowed her head again and whispered. “I’m such a coward.”
    Sayre and Fane both shook their heads.
    “No, Laynee,” Fane responded. “You

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