Sertian Princess
around each base was at least one green dot indicating the positions of the blockading ships.  Mikael's attention, however, was drawn towards one dot which was much larger than all of the others.  It was of indeterminate colour and was flashing rapidly.
    "Action," he said feeling the excitement mount within him.  "There's some action at Rigel.  Judging by the size of that dot it must be Fleet action at least."
    The old Admiral nodded and touched the controls.  The dot expanded and resolved itself into its constituent parts.  All the colours were red and green: there was no neutral orange because in a combat situation the computers were programmed to assume that any ship not continuously transmitting an IFF signal was automatically hostile.  It was difficult to count the numbers of ships involved in the action because they were continually flicking into sub-space and reappearing elsewhere on the display but Mikael estimated that there must be about a dozen red dots and maybe half as many again from the Fleet.
    "They've finally come out in force.  Dammit to hell, why couldn't they have waited for another week?"
    He recollected himself.  "I'm sorry, sir: it's just that in another week the Cleopatra would have been ready and we could have joined in the action."
    "Afraid you're going to miss all the fun, Boronin?  You may not believe this but I know how you feel.  I would much rather be down there myself than be stuck here in charge of a Star Base.  Still there's likely to be more chances of action to come, at least for the likes of you.  Unless we can turn this action into a decisive victory the rebellion will drag on for a while yet."
    He turned away from the tank and looked directly at Mikael.
    "It was about the Cleopatra that I wanted to talk to you.  Another week you say, before she's ready?"
    "Oh no, much less than that, sir," Mikael replied eagerly.  "Two more days with the Armourer and then she's ready for space trials.  Or, at least...."
    He recollected his recent conversation with Tony.  "It would have been only two days but all of the Armourer's gangs have been diverted to the Pushkin."
    "Well that's something that can easily be rectified."  Admiral Wei walked over to his desk and made a note.  "I've got a job for you, Boronin, but it's not at Rigel.  The Fleet there will have to manage without you for a while longer."
    The Admiral tapped at the keys on his console and stared at the screen as if he could not quite believe what he saw there.
    "It's an unusual request, Commander, and I'm not entirely happy with it.  But I've had my say and the request stands.
    "Centre have requested a corvette to act as naval support to an operation they're running.  The tricky thing is, it's in a rather sensitive area and my orders are that you will rendezvous with the agent that Centre are putting in there and you will put your ship directly under his command.  He knows the political situation in the area and his decision on your actions is to be regarded as final.  When you reach the designated area, you are not so much as to blow your nose without checking with this man.  Is that understood?"
    "Yes sir, perfectly sir."
    "The Armourer's crews will be working on the Cleopatra again before you can get back to her.  I want the work completed in 24 hours.  You can conduct your space trials en route to the rendezvous."
    "Yes sir."
    "One final thing.  Do you carry a surgeon on board the Cleopatra?"
    "I understand one has been appointed, sir, but he has not yet reported for duty.  I believe he is still in transit to Runnymede."
    "Very well, I will chase one up for you.  Now you'd better get back to your ship and start your preparations.  I will have your formal orders transmitted to you."
    Mikael saluted and turned towards the door.  Then he hesitated and turned back.
    "Begging your pardon, sir."
    "Yes, what is it?"
    "I happen to know that Surgeon Commander Barasny has just come in on the Pushkin, sir.  He and

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