worry that he had left when I heard the thud about twenty feet behind me. I tensed but didn’t move. We stayed that way for a few minutes. Finally I said, “Can you understand me? I won’t hurt you.” I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect for an answer. Maybe Aquila had only taught him Latin , which is what he spoke when I first met him, trying, successfully, to make me believe that he didn’t understand English – he learned what our plans were that way since we didn’t feel concerned about talking in front of him .
I was just losing hope of him speaking English as well when he whispered, “Of course you won’t. I know that.”
“Then what are you afraid of?” I said.
“I am not afraid,” he said matter of factly as he slowly started walking towards me . “I just don’t trust you or the others. Father told me how you captured him.”
I turned and looked him in the eye, “We have no intention of trying to capture you. Please believe that.”
“Those are your mates?” he said as he nodded toward Matt and Carlos, seated on the bench below , watching us.
“Correct. They are.”
“And they are down there because you told them to stay there?”
I nodded, “Yes.”
“Father was right about them, they are weak because they listen with their hearts. I may be young but I could snap your neck in an instant. They should be closer to you in order to protect you.”
“But you aren’t here to harm me. I told them to stay down there because I knew I wasn’t in any danger.”
I felt him watching me, studying me, as he thought about what I said. “Father said he chose you for your intuition, compassion and strength. I guess he was right about the intuition.”
“Why don’t you tell me why you are here. Did your father send you?”
“In a manner of speaking, yes. He told me to find you if anything ever happened to him. He said you would help me.”
“And something’s happened to Aquila?”
“He is missing.”
“You are certain of this?”
“How long?”
“Eight days now.”
“And he’s never left for that long before?”
“No. Never for more than a day. And he’s been warning me. He’s been telling me that if something were to happen to him that I should find you. He was worried. He knew something was going to happen.”
“Has he told you what he was worried about? Do you have any idea what happened to him?”
“Not really. But he has been telling me a lot about the history of my kind. And about that Queen lady who created us.”
“You mean Sekhmet?”
“Yes. That’s her. That’s the one he was talking about. He said you’d know.”
“Will you come inside and fill me and my friends in on what you know?”
He shook his head, “No. Not tonight. It’s late and I’m tired. But you and your friends can come up to the cave tomorrow morning. You know the cave up the mountain, yes? I’ve smelled your scent in there.”
“Yes. I know the one. Would you like me to bring you something to drink when we come?”
“That would be nice. Thank you. I will see you tomorrow,” he said as he spread his wings.
“Do you have a name that I can call you?” I said before he flew off.
“Yes. I am called Jason,” he said then he flew off into the night leaving me with my heart in my throat.
“It can’t be,” I mumbled to no one.
“What can’t be, Sarah?” Carlos said as the two of them landed next to me on the roof.
“His name. He said his name is Jason,” I sobbed.
“Honey? What’s wrong with that? What is it?” Matt whispered.
I was still too shocked to break down completely. I looked up at him, “Jason was Scotty’s middle name, Matt. There‘s no way Aquila could have known that. So how did he pick that name? Why did he pick that name? Why? Why?”
They both wrapped their arms around me to try to comfort me. But they knew it was only a
Flowers for Miss Pengelly