Seducing the Highlander

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Book: Read Seducing the Highlander for Free Online
Authors: Emma Wildes
slowed, he propped himself on his elbows and smiled lazily into her face. With his long, disheveled hair, he resembled a legendary pirate, all sleek, dark, and dangerous. No, more like a striking Scottish chieftain, she corrected with an inward smile, who had just thoroughly ravished some young maid.
    Still half-rigid inside her, as if it weren’t an odd position for a conversation, he said with his usual tone of unconscious command, “Tell me, how did you come to be engaged to Frankton? Surely your father understands what kind of man he is and, with your stunning beauty, could do better for you than a grasping, deceitful villain you obviously despise.”
    Leanna swallowed, averting her gaze. “My father is an earl, but inherited no fortune with the title. He has five daughters, my lord, and wished for good marriages for us all, despite the fact he could not afford to properly present us to society. On a trip to London, I had the misfortune to be at a small function given by one of my father’s friends. The baron was there as well, and I caught his eye. At heart, my father is a decent man, but he has his weaknesses, and gambling is one. Frankton lost no time in completely destroying whatever small assets my father had. In order to save the family estate, the bargain was made. I could hardly force my family to starve by a refusal. This way my sisters will at least have a chance to marry well.”
    Despite her refusal to shed one more tear over her plight, a small sob caught in her throat, and to her dismay, her eyes filled with tears.
    Ian’s mouth tightened slightly. “I guessed something like that had transpired. Another black deed Frankton will answer for in hell.”
    Leanna shivered. “He is evil. I—”
    “Yes, he is, and evil men do evil things,” the laird interrupted with a grim smile. “I suppose that was why he locked you in the tower room and posted guards: to keep you from running off during his absence while he accuses my uncle of a crime he never committed.”
    She might be naive, but she understood McCray’s need for a bargaining tool.
    “And,” she said with a small, triumphant smile, since his cock, formidably large even half-erect, was so potently inside her, stretching her, “to make sure I stayed pure until the wedding.”
    “That’s certainly no longer an issue,” he murmured teasingly, and shifted, leaning forward to nibble gently on the curve of her neck.
    “No,” she agreed, giving a muffled laugh mixed with a sigh of enjoyment as his tongue traced the line of her jaw and licked her lower lip. He kissed her as if he tasted her, savoring her mouth, and she responded, pulling him closer, parting her lips. To her amazement, though they had just had intercourse, she found that longing welling inside her as he began to touch and caress her body, saying outrageously erotic things in her ear, taking her mouth time and again until she could feel he was also growing once more, hardening, and stretching her vaginal walls with his swelling erection.
    When he began to move, she felt the blissful abandon of pure sexual license, her body open for his use and pleasure, her own senses tantalized and heightened by the skill of her Scottish captor. She climaxed twice before he came again with a hot rush inside her, the dizzying, sensual joy unbelievable. Afterward, nestled against him, her body pleasantly exhausted, she saw the moon had come up, high and full. Ian’s breathing evened into the cadence of slumber, but he still kept her close in his embrace.
    She felt safe, Leanna realized, with those strong arms around her.
    But also knew it couldn’t last long.

Chapter 4
    T he horse clattered into the courtyard and Ian waved a hand in greeting. His cousin Robbie, he saw, eyeing the mud-spattered cloak and tousled hair of the young man reining in his heaving mount, had ridden hard and fast.
    “Ian.” Robbie swung out of the saddle and grinned. A graze of black whiskers graced his lean jaw and he

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