„Brandy...“, her sounded vigorous“. Nevertheless, you have received a scholarship right?", I nodded in silence“.... then make what out of that. Show him what you have on it.!!“
Wheezy I ran to the auditorium... the lessons of Mr. Graham had already started. I cursed internally that I myself in the library forgot.
Every time if I a library entered....feel I myself completely detached... seemed as my mind would completely resolve with the knowledge of the time.
„Now hit please the page 54 on. We have to reading today do Schiller.“
Of Mr. Graham speaking with a twang monotonous voice resounded by the auditorium and banged in the venerable portraits of famous authors.
Quietly I crept in the very back row and sat down. I cursed... I did not find the book.
And I knew very well....thats I had laid into my pocket.
In a hurry I looked in the pocket …
„Oh Mrs. Brandy Johnson, do we have no watch or is to you the time no concept?“
Mr. Graham sharp voice tore the air and breathless silence spread in the auditorium.
Now all pairs of eyes were directed on me... I was to me so embarrassingly the whole attention on myself moved. It was enough that I alone by my skin colour already enough struck.
I deeply breathed and did not try to let mark my nervousness.
At the same time I cooked before fury.... somebody had to have approached in my pocket as me briefly in the toilet was.
But who followed me then in the library?
Convulsively I considered and did not note like Melissa of her clique verschwörerische looks exchanged....
„You want to tell Mrs. Brandy Johnson us something the book about Schiller?“, Mr. Graham with his nasal voice and with a mocking overtone from my considerations tore me.
Again there ruled breathless silence ….everybody looks at me directed.
Would I dare to start it against Mr. Graham?
This question stood in the space.... one could feel this almost physically. Till present nobody dared it even in the beginning to question Mr. Graham.
Mr. Graham enjoyed obviously to show up me.... a haughty smile darted over his lean grouchy face.
I took a deep breath and when I began... I stuttered.Here and now , nevertheless, there a suppressed giggling... sounded as itself Mr. Graham to me with a clear movement the word wanted to take a short-cut. he goaded me.
And suddenly my old self-assurance came again to the prelight... my voice it became clear firmly.
My rebellious part appeared and with every sentence I became surer.
From the corner of the eye I noted... like itself the face of Mr. Graham from second by second changed... during the whole auditorium before amazement mouth kept open.
There ruled absolute silence ….nur my voice sounded full and clear in the venerable auditorium with his panelled walls and covers.
„Hey that was not at all badly this talk...“
I stood in the locker and stowed away a few books. In amazement I turned around... a shy type stood before me, his red locks curled. He was called by the other always than Pumuckel.
„Finally, somebody has pointed to this Mr. Graham sometimes!“
However, he shone then his voice became suddenly quiet and fragile“..., however you have to careful with him.... Mr. Graham forgets nothing and blows he has somebody in the visor.“
Now I remembered very well like Mr. Graham Pumuckel with predilection the snail made. However, Pumuckel a charming guy was very shy and was unsafe.
Every time if he was called by Mr. Graham he brought out almost no word and resigned himself to the spiteful remarks tacitly.
No.... I had no fear of this haughty conceited teacher of the weak victims selected around his power to demonstrate.
„ I have a surprise for you!“ smile I intercepted Sita as them from the staff room came. Besides, I also looked