Secret Admirer: A BBW Gang Bang
for business. Maybe I’ll be in your area? Would you like to go
out for coffee?
    Rachel’s heart gave a flutter at the very
thought. It was one thing to have a secret admirer, but quite
another to actually meet him. She couldn’t help but worry about the
idea that she wouldn’t live up to the man’s expectations. But it
wouldn’t hurt to tell him what city she was in. Chances were he was
nowhere near her.
    She tabbed back over to the forum, which
she’d been moderating when her e-mail pinged her. There was one
particularly nasty troll creeping about this morning, spewing hate
and vitriol at every young lady who posted a photo of herself in
the images forum. As soon as she banned one account, another popped
up. She was going to have to ask Allison to put the membership back
to moderated for a few days, she could tell.
    She stamped out another troll account, and
deleted some posts they had made, sighing heavily. She often
wondered if it was worth it, to leave the membership so open, but
she knew that moderated membership scared away the people they
needed to help the most. The teens. It was a price worth paying,
and one they had to pay.
    But Allison wanted to think about better
things right now. She opened up her private messages window, and
tapped out a reply:
    Believe it or not, I rarely look in the
mirror these days. I guess I’m just that comfortable with who I am!
I wouldn’t mind you looking at me, though. ;-)
    The girls and I are all located in Columbus,
at the moment. I have no idea if that’s close to you, or one of
your trips. I’d love to meet for coffee sometime, if it is,
    She felt giddy as she sent off that message.
She’d never really had a boyfriend – naturally, no one in her
shallow high school would touch her, and she’d been so focused on
her studies and the girls in college that she just didn’t have time
for stuff like that. But now, fresh out of college, with a brand
spanking new admin assistant job, she finally felt like her life
was settling down enough to think about looking. Not that she
thought this Vincent was a real possibility. He could be a scammer,
for all she knew.
    But it would be very interesting if he
    Rachel waited a few more minutes to see if
he was going to immediately message him, back, but after 15
minutes, she became aware that she was running late for work.
    “Drat!” Rachel stood up, and ran over to the
bathroom. Her round face looked back at her in the mirror there,
and she could see her dark curls were in tangles. She desperately
needed to do some work with them, and also her makeup. Danielle had
rubbed off on her quite a bit. Once she’d found the confidence to
care about herself, she found herself also caring about her
appearance as well.
    And she really was beautiful, now that she’d
learned to embrace herself for who she was. Her face was round,
yes, but her skin was smooth and unblemished. Her hair fell in soft
dark brown curls, framing her face nicely. She had great hair, too.
It just did that naturally. Her almond shaped hazel eyes rested
above a cute button nose, and underneath all that was a pair of
small, but full lips. Lips that she was hurriedly applying gloss to
    Her face and hair taken care of, she hurried
back out into her room, and rummaged through her clothing to find
something suitable and clean. She settled on a black knee length
a-line skirt, matching jacket, and a light blue blouse. Rachel
sighed and glanced around her room. It was a mess. Oh well, she’d
take care of it when she got home.
    Rachel just couldn’t help herself. She snuck
onto the forum from her work computer, checking her private
messages. She had a new one from Vincent! Suppressing the urge to
squeal with glee, she opened it, and wondered exactly where he was
    No kidding, you’re in Columbus? That’s where
I live too! Wow, this is quite the coincidence. I would love to see
you. In fact, I

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