SEAL's Deception (Take No Prisoners Book 8)

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Book: Read SEAL's Deception (Take No Prisoners Book 8) for Free Online
Authors: Elle James
difficult. He found the woman simultaneously aggravating and tempting. Right now, he just wanted to wrap his hands around her neck and kiss the cussedness out of her.
    He scrubbed his body and hair, giving up on chilling his desire. Besides, he couldn’t stay in the bathroom all night. What if someone tried to get into the princess’s apartment while he was in the shower? He wouldn’t hear her scream. Ben spun, shut off the water and listened. Nothing made a sound. Was that because Yasmin was already dead, or was the insulation between the walls that good?
    Suddenly anxious to check on the confounded agent, Ben grabbed the towel hanging over the top of the wall and quickly rubbed his body dry. Then he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower stall.
    Yasmin stood in the bathroom with a thick white bathrobe draped over her arm.
    “Do you always enter bathrooms when men are in the shower?”
    “Only when they don’t lock the door. I thought maybe it was an invitation.” She winked. “I also thought you might like something besides trousers to sleep in.” Yasmin held out the robe.
    Damn, she looked entirely too sexy in the nightgown. A growl escaped from deep in his throat. Already, his cock had jerked back to attention and was tenting his towel. He held up his hand. “No, thanks. I sleep in the nude.”

    Y asmin clutched the bathrobe to her chest to cover the way her nipples puckered, making tiny little points stick out of the filmy fabric of Princess Aliya’s nightgown. She deserved that. After putting herself on display in nothing more than the scrap of see-through fabric, she deserved to have Ben throw that little gem of personal info in her face.
    I sleep in the nude.
    Yasmin could barely breathe. His single comment had sucked the wind right out of her sails and left her dangling, living in anticipation of watching that towel fall off his narrow hips.
    Holy hell!
    Ben gathered his clothing and carried the items into the living room.
    Yasmin trailed to the door of the bedroom. The question wasn’t one of wanting to follow him. She had to follow. Her body had control, like a moth drawn to its death in the bright glow of a flame.
    In the living area, he dropped his clothes on an end table, stood in front of the huge glass windows and stretched both arms above his head.
    A slow anger started in her chest and moved upward in a wave of heat. The SEAL had to be putting on a show just to taunt her.
    The heat of anger shot into desire as the towel slipped, caught for a brief moment and then fell to the floor.
    Yasmin gasped, eyes widening. Her breath caught and held in her lungs.
    His buttocks were tight, his thighs thickly muscled and his back rippled as he brought his arms back to his sides. Then he turned.
    For a moment, time stood still. Yasmin’s heart stopped and she couldn’t think, speak, or utter even a squeak.
    The man was perfect from the top of his head to the tip of his…
    Then her heart started pumping hot, molten blood through her system. Heat shot through her body, pooling low in her belly, making her sex slick with longing.
    Based on how thick and straight his cock stood out from his groin, he was just as excited.
    For a long moment, they stared at each other.
    Finally, reality set in, and Yasmin remembered the cameras in the corners. Holy shit!
    She stepped back from the doorway into the bedroom. “You better hope my parents don’t see you like that,” she called out, though the sound was far wispier than she intended. “I won’t have to fire you. They will.” With that parting comment, she slammed the door and flung herself onto the bed.
    The smooth satin comforter against her cheek and thighs wasn’t helping. All she could think about was inviting that naked SEAL into the bedroom to slip his coarse hand along her cheek, down her neck and caress lower to the puckered tips of her nipples. He’d slide that big, gorgeous body between her legs and thrust his impressive

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