Scrapyard Ship

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Book: Read Scrapyard Ship for Free Online
Authors: Mark Wayne McGinnis
Tags: Science-Fiction
multi-thousands of human-like beings have been introduced into Earth’s populous. Each one strategically placed in government, military, and large corporate positions… Jason, we’re the goose being fattened up for the proverbial Christmas feast. And by the way, that day… is today.”
    “Today, like we’re being attacked by aliens today—why today? That’s ridiculous.”
    “It doesn’t matter why it’s today, the Craing think in terms of hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. Their return date was probably established back in 1947. Our only hope was to stop them in route. That’s what I’ve been doing out here, along with a confederation of other, at-risk planets. We were hopeful, in fact, fairly sure our plan would work: Hundreds of warships converging for an interstellar ambush, to stop the Craing in their tracks. But Jason, it didn’t work. We didn’t win.” Admiral Perry stopped talking and took a long look at his son, trying to come to some kind of decision. Eventually he continued. “It’s taken me several days to configure this FTL connection. Weeks ago I sent The Lilly back, just in case things didn’t work out here—which obviously, they haven’t. Jason, there is no one I can trust on Earth with the information I have shared with you. The Craing and their human-like inhabitants are ruthless and will stop at nothing to ensure a smooth incursion. Now this is important. When they come, you will not, I repeat, will not stay and fight. I’m putting The Lilly in your charge, Jason. But there are other stellar allies still in this fight—their people’s existence, as well as our own, depends on us building new, stronger alliances and eventually beating back the Craing. But that time is not today. This is not the time to play hero; get your family on board, and do it now. It’s important they talk to no one. Listen. This is important. The Craing are looking for The Lilly. It has technology they are desperate to get ahold of. There’s a probable chance they tracked her entry back into Earth orbit…maybe even to your general location.”
    “Here? Are you serious?”
    His father held up his hand. “Shut up and listen,” the admiral barked. Ricket has been instructed to teach you what you need to know—what will be necessary over the coming months and years. If I could do this myself, be there like a real father should be, I would. I’m proud of you, Jason.” The camera shook; a blast thundered somewhere in the background twenty thousand light-years from Earth—the transmission obscured with blocky digital artifacts. “One more thing,” Admiral Perry said. “Come to the Altar system, we need your help—I need your help, Jason…” The feed went dead.
    “Hey, isn’t that Grandpa?”
    Jason spun around to see Mollie standing in the open hatch. A uniformed crewmember stood next to her. Looking as though she had just awoken from a nap and, with the exception of the small burn hole on her shirt, Mollie, inexplicably, looked alive and fine.
    “So Dad, where are we?” she inquired, wide-eyed, looking around the bridge.
    Jason jumped to his feet and swept her up in his arms until he heard her muffled cry, “Dad, I can’t breathe, let me down!”
    Jason put her down. Right then and there he decided not to mention anything to her about being shot, or God forbid, her dying. At only eight years of age, why complicate her life like that? Ricket moved forward and took her by the hand, leading her to a nearby chair.
    “Mollie, I would like to apologize for shooting you earlier today.”
    “Terrific,” Jason barked at Ricket. “I wasn’t going to mention that to her… at least not yet.” He glared at the robot, speechless. Studying Ricket up close, Jason noticed the strange and complex intricacies of the small face—a true mixture of both biological and mechanical layers of transparent skin, covering organic tissue connected to whirling gears, moving pistons and actuators, all of which

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