Scarlet Angel
Development Officer at Universal Dynamics.”
    A knock on the window made her jump. Outside the car
stood a man in a black wool coat, waiting patiently.
    Cash nodded his head toward the man. “We’re here to
meet him.”
    They climbed out of the car. Cash walked around to
stand next to his sister and shook the stranger’s hand. “Scarlett,
this is Neil. Neil, Scarlett.”
    This is what a man who disposes of bodies looks
like? He looks so... normal. Do I still look that normal, now that
I’m a killer? His grip was firm and confident. “Nice to meet
you, Neil.”
    Neil was taller than both Cash and Scarlett by a
full head. He looked down at her, his face expressionless. He
nodded then turned to Cash. “This is the one you called me about
the other day? Hmm. Are we all set? Did you tell her?”
    Cash shook his head. “No, not yet.”
    Scarlett’s brow furrowed. Her eyes darted between
the two men. “Tell me... Tell me what? Cash, what’s going on?”
    Her brother breathed in and let out a deep sigh. He
looked down at his wringing hands. “Scarlett... Neil’s not really
here to dispose of the body and the car. I mean, he’s going to do
that. ” Cash looked up and stared into her eyes. “But the real
reason he’s here is to take you with him.”
    Scarlett’s eyes widened. “WHAT?”
    Cash’s voice cracked with fatigue and emotion.
“Scar, you have to go.”

Chapter 8
    Sometimes betrayals are for your own good. And
sometimes, they are to protect others. The understanding that comes
later does not lessen the pain now.
    * * *
    Scarlett’s eyes filled with moisture. She clenched
her fists in rage and glared at her brother in disbelief. “What the
hell does that mean?”
    Cash cocked his head to the side. “Scar, c’mon. You
gotta understand. If someone’s after you...”
    Hot tears streamed down her face. “Oh, I see... If
the going gets tough?”
    “ C’mon. You know it’s not like
    Bitter words formed on her tongue, only fueling her
anger. “Guess I’m not quite family enough to stick up for,
    Something in Cash snapped. His eyes shifted from
pleading to angry, and when he spoke, his voice boomed. “HEY! You
listen to me. I am sticking up for you. Probably even saving
your life. But more important to me are my kids. I get the shit
that’s going on. But I have to protect Ethan and Sofie. You can
hate me now, but that’s what I have to do.”
    His words crushed her. Even though she was nearly
eye-level with her brother, she felt a foot tall looking up at him.
She wiped the dampness from her cheeks and sniffled. “You’re right.
I’m sorry.”
    Cash adjusted his jacket and walked over to the
other man, keeping his eyes on Scarlett. “Neil, remember
    The taller man wrinkled his brow and nodded. “Yeah.
What’s that got to do with—”
    “ Good. Now I’m collecting. You
keep her away. For her own and my family’s safety. You got
    Scarlett wanted to say something, anything, but she
could not find the words. She was so ashamed by her own anger and
selfishness at not considering Emma and the kids that her mind was
    Scarlett glanced up to see Neil and Cash with locked
gazes in an intense unspoken argument.
    Finally, Neil’s face softened. “Fine.”
    “ Thanks. Just keep her safe. She is my sister, after all.”
    The two men shook hands, their forearms straining
with the strength of their grips. When they released, Cash turned
to his sister. “Don’t forget that we love you. I know this is
crazy, but it’s the best way I know to keep you and the rest of the
family safe.”
    Scarlett just nodded.
    “ Look, I know it sucks, but right
now they have no leads. Neil can help keep it that way. I was
hoping it wouldn’t come to this, but when I found out about the
accident at Universal Dynamics and that you might have been
involved somehow, I... had to be ready for anything.” His arms
wrapped around Scarlett and held her tight.
    She wanted to

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