Scandalous Liaisons

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Book: Read Scandalous Liaisons for Free Online
Authors: Sylvia Day
few days.”
    The Seawitch . Olivia’s heart plummeted into her stomach. Phoenix had moved to her father’s ship to get away from her, that was painfully obvious. Her face heated with embarrassment. He most likely thought her the worst sort of wanton. And hadn’t she been?
    Wretched, she shook her head. She’d been mindless with desire, but the pirate certainly had not felt the same. He’d had the presence of mind to keep her maidenhead intact, a circumstance that said clearly he did not desire to take her as his wife. He would escort her to England, obtain his annulment, and sail off without looking back. She, on the other hand, would spend her days pining for the husband she hadn’t wanted, only to discover he was all she wanted.
    Olivia spent the three days it took to reach Barbados ensconced in Phoenix’s cabin. Bored and crying miserably every time she remembered her abandoned behavior, she resorted to snooping to distract herself. Rifling through his drawers, desk, and cupboards, she found ribbon-bound letters from the Marquess of Dunsmore addressed to Sebastian Blake. She found legal documents that bore his seal and wanted posters displaying his alias. She’d strongly suspected, of course, or she would never have given her favors so freely. But by the end of the three days, she had no doubt.
    She was married to a pirate. The thought thrilled her.
    Now she needed to discover a way to keep him.

Chapter Three
    Sebastian waited for Olivia at the bottom of the gangplank with deplorable impatience. He hadn’t seen her in a sennight, and that was a sennight too long in his estimation. Before moving to the Seawitch , he’d ordered Will to secure lodgings for her at the local inn when they docked, certain she would relish the opportunity to sleep in a bed after spending three nights in his hammock. She had probably been exhausted. He knew he was. Her cabin on the Seawitch had been hell on earth, a decadent room showcasing a massive, velvet-draped four-poster bed.
    The nights had been torturous, the silk sheets infused with her scent, a lingering redolence that burned through his blood. He’d dreamed of her naked and spread beneath him, his aching cock thrust deep inside her body, a ripe nipple trapped between his tongue and the roof of his mouth.
    The overwhelming need to fuck had forced him into town to find a lusty wench. He’d found several, fondled a few, kissed a couple, and left them all. Not even the most skilled whore could kiss like Olivia, who kissed him as if she would die if she couldn’t have him.
    He was quite simply mad for her, thoroughly besotted.
    Sebastian rolled his shoulders, attempting to ease the tension there. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked toward the inn, immediately grateful for the cane he affected. It supported his buckling knees when his wife came into view.
    The entire town seemed to freeze, the bustling noises fading into obscurity until only the cry of seagulls remained. The crowd parted, revealing Olivia’s golden beauty as she strolled toward him. Her rich tresses were piled atop her head—careless, artless curls tumbling in studious disarray. Her taupe-colored gown was of the finest silk, shimmering in the island sun like light on rippling water. It showcased her full breasts, tiny waist, and creamy skin to perfection. She wore a broad, feathered hat at a jaunty angle that shielded most of her face from his view, but revealed the full red mouth that had ruined him for any other. He was speechless, breathless, agonizingly aroused at the mere sight of her. Olivia was a diamond of the first water. And for the moment, she was his diamond.
    For the first time in his life, Sebastian was grateful to his father.
    During the last several sleepless nights, unable to keep her from his thoughts, he’d contemplated their present circumstances. Olivia wanted to maintain their marriage, if he could prove his identity. He collected that the benefits of such a union would be numerous

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