another bite grinning because she loved shocking us.
“Meridee!” Vivi shouted turning as red as her mop top. “I wanna be like Meridee when I’m eighty.” Vivi was giggling as she got up to get the plates for Bonita and Arthurs BBQ that was on the way.
“No one’s gonna be hungry if we eat all these right now. Arthur’s on his way up here with lunch. Y’all stay okay?” Vivi told them more than she was asking. Meridee jumped up and grabbed some silverware and helped Vivi.
“I need to run out and make a call,” I said. “Be right back.”
“Honey, you can call from here. It’s cold outside.” Kitty suggested.
“Oh, uhm… sometimes my cell doesn’t pick up from inside.” I slipped through the dining room and out to the front porch to call Sonny. The cold air slapped my warm cheeks as I hit his picture on my cell.
“Hey, baby. Forget your cell?”
“Yeah, sorry. So there’s a real life brothel? I can’t even believe that.”
“Yep. You never know. We found a phone number on the dead body of that old guy and traced it. Turns out he was just leaving an appointment from somewhere out there. We think we know which trailer it is too. Doesn’t that psychic Vivi saw for her bridal shower live out there?”
“Yes but why?” I asked. Did you wanna talk to her? I can’t imagine she’d know the hookers.”
“Come on Blake, she’s a psychic right? I mean doesn’t she know everything?”
I drove home after lunch in deep thought, Harry at the top of my mind. It was all so confusing. I knew him better than most and something about that look he gave me when I threw him out earlier that morning bothered me. I wanted to know for sure. Harry said someone set him up, but the picture was of him kissing that brunette. That was a certainty. Maybe he was just full of it like always, using whatever woman would get him to the top.
I pulled in to the drive at Sonny’s. Well it was my home too, now. I had to get used to that. My old antebellum dream house I shared with Harry sat across town near campus empty and dark. I kept swearing I was gonna put it up for sale but somehow I just never really get around to it.
I went inside and my curiosity got the better of me. I went straight to my laptop.
I’m a lawyer, a researcher, so I knew if anyone could dig up the truth, I could do it. I got out the newspaper and looked at the picture of the intern in a lip-lock with my soon-to-be-ex. Her name was included in the article and her hometown. Jessica Jamison. Twenty years old from South Carolina. Interning in D.C. for the semester. Wow! She sure doesn’t waist any time, I thought. I decided to dig a little deeper.
A few more clicks of the keys led me to another clue about this aggressive little intern. She has relatives here in Tuscaloosa. I decided I needed to find out exactly whom she’s related to and maybe go knock on their door. Then I stopped myself.
Why? Why in the world am I putting myself through this to help Harry? I caught him with two different women last summer as our marriage was ending. And in spite of all that he still counted on me to stand by him and help him get elected. Am I a fool?
I got up to search the fridge for something to drink when I heard the doorbell. I turned and hurried back to the door.
“Hey honey, get in here. It’s freezing out there,” I said reaching in and pulling Vivi inside. “What are you doing here?”
“I just talked to Lewis and he found out some stuff about that intern,” she said stepping inside and taking off her olive green wool overcoat. Her cream cashmere scarf set her red hair and ruby lips off like a portrait. “I left the baby with Arthur but I gotta be back in an hour so he can get the dinner shift going. Now listen, Harry’s in deeper trouble with this little affair. Looks like he may not get to stay in office if Tuscaloosa has a thing to say about it.”
“How do you know?”
“Lewis just had a visitor at the radio