Save of the Game

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Book: Read Save of the Game for Free Online
Authors: Avon Gale
Tags: gay romance
in, and laughed at the picture of his sisters and his mom all standing wearing his jersey with that ridiculous logo, arms around each other, holding up three fingers.
    They did that, instead of the usual number-one gesture, because three was Ethan’s number. And it was his number because, every time he went on the ice, all he could think about was the three people who meant the most to him in the world.
    Ethan sent back an e-mail and then went to find the site he used to upload pictures and have actual copies of them printed and mailed to his address. He had a photograph of all three of them in his Blackjacks jersey, and he wanted to put the photos side by side.
    Caught up in a brief bout of homesickness, he went to the bookmarks link out of habit. It took him a few seconds to realize that it wasn’t his computer, and that’s why he couldn’t find the website. Then he saw “porn I like,” which made him grin evilly.
    What better way to deal with unwanted homesickness, than by being a jackass and embarrassing his roommate?
    He opened the folder and glanced at some of Riley’s favorites. He thought about e-mailing himself the link to the video of the cute girls in roller skates. And then his curiosity got the better of him when he noticed the subfolder called “Bad game.” He thought maybe it was hot, girl-on-girl porn involving chicks in hockey gear fighting and then making out.
    Ethan realized after a couple of seconds that he was being a jerk and looking at stuff that was private, but he was captivated by what he was seeing. Because the most recently added videos didn’t have any girls in them at all. Just guys.
    Guys who had tattoos and shaved heads actually. Guys who looked a lot like him .
    He signed out of his account, stared out of Riley’s window for a minute composing himself, and went back to the kitchen.
    “Dinner’s almost ready,” Riley said from the kitchen. “Rangers play tonight, if you want to watch.”
    “Oh, uh, yeah,” Ethan stammered, unsure what he was feeling. He didn’t have a problem with Riley being into guys. And in fact he lost his temper plenty of times at people who did have a problem with that kind of thing. But was Riley into him ? And if he was and Ethan felt weird about it, did that make him a hypocrite?
    That pissed him off. What about all those times he got mad at people for being homophobic dickheads? Which happened more than he liked, because people ran their mouths off thoughtlessly in locker rooms all the time. But seriously if people thought there weren’t gay guys playing hockey, they were idiots. There had to be. If you were into dudes, living with them and being around them all the time would be an attractive career choice. Ethan never wanted anyone to feel like they couldn’t talk about a boyfriend in the locker room.
    But if Riley was into him , Ethan Kennedy, and not some theoretical guy? Was that okay? It had to be. Ethan refused to even consider the idea that it wasn’t. How could he stand up for people if he was a liar and a hypocrite?
    Ethan went outside to smoke, because the nicotine helped him think. So what if Riley thought he was hot? What if Ethan was living with someone who wanted him to do those things on the video? Have Ethan on his knees, sucking his cock.
    Ethan didn’t have a problem with blow jobs, obviously, but he’d never given a thought to giving one—or even getting one—from a guy before. Maybe he was missing something.
    It was flattering to think Riley thought that way about him. Or it would be, if Ethan knew for sure Riley did think that way about him. Maybe he was feeling weird because he really didn’t know for sure. That’s why he shouldn’t go snooping around other people’s laptops and bookmark folders.
    “Hey, man. Game’s starting. And eat some dinner. You can’t live off of cigarettes. I know you keep trying.”
    Ethan put his cigarette in the empty coffee can on his balcony, wandered back inside, fixed himself a plate

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