Sands of Sorrow

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Book: Read Sands of Sorrow for Free Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Space Opera
speed. That spark that I used to restart the med scanner was generated by my moving my fingers together. It looks like electricity, but I don’t keep it inside me.”
    “So, when you were assigned to me, it was because a shock from me would just glide off your skin?”
    “Sort of. I create a field that allows things to move around me. It is completely on reflex.”
    A tingle was starting in her hands and moving up her arms. “Can you turn it up?”
    He smirked. “My speed or the generator?”
    “The generator.”
    “No. This is the baseline for your body, so we are going to simply let it do what it wants to do.”
    She held her hands still, but her body wanted to move. She wanted to grab the generators and hold them, taking all the power they could offer, but instead, she was restricted to a trickle of energy.
    “This is going to drive me crazy.”
    Imron nodded. “I know. Just keep going for as long as you can.”
    She shifted from foot to foot as the charge continued to build. No matter how much built up, she wanted more.
    “Tell me about your parents, your early education. Anything. Just talk to me.” She was nearly begging.
    Imron spoke about his mother, his grandmother and the matriarchal society that had spawned him. He had met his father a few times and been given a land grant when he graduated. His schooling had been administered by a series of caring instructors in the company of others of his kind. He played with other children and learned social skills.
    She nodded, and finally, she felt her hair beginning to lift.
    “Does that hurt?”
    Salika shook her head. “No. How will you know when I am at capacity?”
    Imron checked the machines. “When you either feel it or start arcing.”
    She brought her arms close together and felt the crackle of energy but no visible sparks. She could go a little further.
    “So, what is your species?” Salika was gritting her teeth, but she felt it necessary to keep talking.
    “I am an Ormor. We come in a number of skin shades and sizes, but a psychic or physiological focus is common for my species.”
    He was watching her as he spoke.
    She looked at him and chuckled. “I am only a little small for my species. Our society is pretty much my height as adults. Both male and female.”
    “Can they all fight like you?”
    She chuckled. “No, I am self-taught. Violence isn’t encouraged.”
    “Well, you do it very well. I was serious about the speed, though. If you go on assignments, you will need it.”
    “Do you really think that I will get to travel? I can’t withstand jumps.”
    “There are ways around that. You can be sedated for the journeys. That works for many folks with jump issues.”
    She could feel the prickle of power on her skin. “I think I am just about at capacity.”
    He looked her over. “Your hair is standing on end, so release the handles, and we will see how long you can hold the charge.”
    Salika bit her lip and let the grips fall. “What do I do now?”
    He held up a hand for her to wait, and he disappeared for a moment.
    When he returned, he was pushing a cart, and it had a full tea set on it, as well as a stack of plates and cutlery.
    “I am going to begin a theoretical lecture on etiquette. It should occupy us for an hour or more. If you can hold the charge for that long today, we can go for more time later in the week.”
    She nodded and braced her feet, settling her weight. “Very well, Instructor. Instruct.”
    He set about showing her how to make a proper cup of tea and then how to pour it. After that, it was how to set a table for a number of the more common species in the Alliance.
    She turned her head now and then, but her hair was still standing on end. Her state of charge seemed to be stable.
    “It is nice that you have shown me all of this, but at this point, I need to sit down. My muscles are quivering.”
    Saluk got up, but he approached her and sneezed when he got a few feet away.
    Saber tried as well, but the hot pink

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