completely, how it is born and how to maintain it.
“Now, as promised, I was going to discuss more about the chakras and what kills us and our relationships. If you know anything about me, you know I don’t apologize about shit that I say, and I use religious references occasionally to illustrate my points. I use mainly Christian examples though I am not a Christian. I use these so that most everyone can understand. I have the understanding that the majority of my listeners follow one of these three religions.” He counted off his fingers. “Christianity, Judaism or Islam. We also have agnostics and atheists, but the bulk of the people in this room identify with one of those faiths. You can’t practice any of those religions without knowing something about the others because they overlap, and all this political and religious fighting,” he paused and he caught his forehead in his thumb and index finger, as if a headache were brewing. “Man...”
A warm roll of applause rang through, encouraging him to finish, to tell them the secrets, the hidden truths.
“I’m off on a tangent for a second, but these religio ns all over the damn world are really fighting over the same damn beliefs, just with different names and worded in another way. It’s the same damn story, in all three for the most part! Jesus also known as Yahweh, Mohammad and Moses! I am not judging anyone in here, I just wanted to put that out there because I turned on the news this morning to hear about more bombings over religious differences ’nd shit, people losing their fucking lives over deities that are doing just fine without the spilled blood. I’m tired of it.” He shrugged wearily. “We must survive, and you must do all that you can to do such, but only when all else has failed! Believing you will be granted eternal life because you blew up a room full of school children in the name of whomever you fall to your knees for is bullshit!” He felt his blood pulsating through his veins, his face flushed hot as horrid images of demons laughing and racing into various hosts propelled forward. Night after night, incubi crawled through the recesses of his mind, haunting him, and he’d turn on the television, and sometimes see the hell-raising visions played out, their dirty work foretold. “We now excuse ego driven insanity with religion. Some say it is one and the same! God is not turf!”
The room burst out in applause.
“Anyway, enough of that.” He slowly calmed as he patted the sweat off his hairline. “My whole point is that Christianity is laced with what some would consider pagan symbolism and new age allegories, and you know what?” He cracked a grin. “It is. ” He shoved one hand in his pocket and made his way back toward the center of the stage. “The sun and moon came first, before any of the deities. There was the Creator, and then the world. In that creation, we were made, man, and w.o.m.b.m.a.n. God made soul, to keep us in touch with Him—it is a telephone, our higher level making calls. God made spirit to drift between this world and the ones on different planes. God made chakras, to have us connect with the person he designed for us and to help us elevate and communicate with our own spirits. Now, let’s delve deeper into that.”
“ Let’s count them off. There are seven chakras.” He held up all the fingers on his left hand and two on his right. “Let’s take a look at them a bit more closely and I won’t take long. The clock is ticking.” A large screen lowered behind him and the room drew darker. “Chakras have deities associated with them, and they have a negative side.” He smiled as he observed the surprised reactions from the audience. “Yes, that’s right. So many times, when we as therapists, teachers and doctors speak of chakras, we don’t share the duality. Let me explain. Everything that has illumination has a dark side. We all cast a shadow under the right conditions. There is no beginning
Robin Roberts, Veronica Chambers