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Book: Read SailtotheMoon for Free Online
Authors: Lynne Connolly
her. And keep her in bed,
because either she was amazingly skilled, or they fit together in a good way.
He definitely wanted more of that.
    She slept now, her breath hot against his shoulder, and
until a few minutes ago he’d been asleep too, as naturally as if he slept
through every night. He always had difficulty getting to sleep, but not
tonight. He glanced at the bright numbers on the digital clock, single figures
still. He’d slept for four hours straight—a rarity for him.
    Murder City Ravens had a week before they had to turn up at
Wembley in London for their first sound check. Would she like to come with him?
A week in the Smoke in a luxury hotel sounded good to him, a holiday to
remember. He smiled into the dark. He could do with a break, and spending it
with Laura sounded even better.
    His whole life revolved around his music. He didn’t have
time for anything else. Anyone else. But now he understood how Jace had let
someone in, how Donovan had been beguiled into sharing his life and his hotel
room with Allie. No life for a woman, but those women had made something for themselves.
Maybe Laura could.
    Why the fuck was he thinking this way? One night? Shit, he
was only letting her stay in bed because he wasn’t done with her yet. Or that
was what he told himself. He firmed his intentions, remembered why he was here.
Sure, he liked her, but that was all it could be. He’d give her the email
address and set up another one in Gmail, then let the emails accumulate. Answer
a few, maybe. Then let the correspondence become irregular before it faded away.
He didn’t have time for anything but his music.
    That was his usual modus operandi. He didn’t like to send a
woman away unhappy. Good PA, Chick said. She’d tell her friends what a nice guy
Zazz was under all the swagger and the gruffness, and the band would get more
    Except he wasn’t a nice guy. He’d never been a nice guy. He
was a shit. He shirked his responsibilities, ran from life and avoided any
involvement with anything but the band. He talked through his music.
    He breathed deep, enjoying the scent of fresh sex and Laura.
Another night in Manchester. He’d ask her to stay with him tomorrow as well.
Which she probably would. Manchester made him antsy, reminded him of things, of
places, he couldn’t go back to. Ever. He’d prefer to get away, take her to
London if she was up for it.
    She stirred and he paused to murmur soothing words to her,
but she woke anyway. A shame, he was feeling peaceful, ready to drop off to
sleep again. But when he met her sleepy gaze he thought of other possibilities.
Okay, so awake was good too.
    “Sleeping beauty,” he murmured before he kissed her. Now was
as good a time as any. “Do you fancy coming to London for a few days?”
    Her eyes opened wide then, but he wouldn’t let her speak
until he’d kissed her good and thoroughly. “Why?”
    “To hang out. Have a break. Maybe come to the concerts at
Wembley.” He kissed her again, breathing in to take more of her essence,
sharper now as their arousal rose. “We can stay anywhere you like. Doesn’t have
to be the same hotel as everybody else. The Ritz.” He’d been looking forward to
five-star luxury. His previous experience of London had been squats and filthy
apartments in dodgy areas. It’d be nice to have somebody to share it with.
    “Because I like you. Because we could have some fun.”
    He saw her eyes sharpen in focus as she came properly awake.
By then his erect cock was nestling between her thighs, ready for another
round. He’d have her doggy-style, perhaps. She’d like that, and he fucking
loved it.
    “I can’t.” She sat up. “What time is it?” After an appalled
glance at the clock, she face-palmed. “I have to go. I work in the morning.”
    “You work on Saturdays?”
    “Put it off.”
    “I can’t. I promised.”
    Jealousy streaked through him, uncharacteristic and
inappropriate, but he

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