Safe Harbor
masculine feel overall.
    When Mac walked through the door with her bags, he looked at Sully.
    “Take them to the larger guest room,” he told Mac. “The one with the bathroom.” He walked over to a pass-through kitchen counter and laid his keys down. “Can I get you anything to drink or eat?”
    She shook her head and slowly walked around the large living room. These men had built a nice life for themselves. Pictures of the two of them showed a happy couple very much in love.
    In one, Mac sat on a fence while Sully stood next to him. They looked at each other, blatant love in their gazes…
    Clarisse stifled a sob. She’d never felt like that before. Damn sure never felt that way about Bryan.
    She tried to rein in her emotions. Exhausted and beat half to death, she felt barely sane and needed a shower.

    Mac returned from wherever he’d taken her bags. Clarisse turned to speak to him, then realized his full attention had focused on Sully.
    She glanced at Sully and found him staring at Mac. After a long, nearly awkward moment, Sully spoke in a quiet, firm voice. “Don’t make me tell you.”
    When Mac’s gaze nervously flicked her way, a horrible feeling washed through her. Maybe she’d terribly misjudged these men.
    Without thinking, she edged a step backward, closer to the front door.
    Mac finally spoke. “Please?”
    Sully leaned against the counter and crossed his arms. “All right, fine. Just remember it has to happen sooner rather than later. Shorts if you insist, but that means you owe me five strokes.”
    Mac nodded before disappearing into another room.
    Sully smiled. “We warned you, we have a…different lifestyle.”
    He walked into the kitchen. She heard him rummaging around, then water running, followed by a coffeepot gurgling a moment later.
    She didn’t move. “Different how?” she finally asked. Her voice sounded way too weak for the cavernous cathedral ceiling.
    He stared at her from across the counter. “How open-minded are you?”
    She felt some of her new anxiety fade. “Consenting human adults.
    If you’re not trying to coerce me into it, I probably won’t object.”
    He smiled again. While she didn’t trust him, she had to admit that the way his lips curled softened his face and crinkled the corners of his grey eyes in a playful way. “Girl after our own hearts then.” He disappeared into the kitchen where she couldn’t see him.
    Movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Mac had returned to the living room. He wore shorts and nothing else.
    Almost nothing else.
    Something in her heart fluttered at the sight of his bare chest. Yes, he had nipple rings, gold ones. She also realized his chest was completely bare, shaved. That wasn’t the unusual thing.


    The custom-tooled leather collar around his neck with a small silver lock attached to the buckle caught her attention.
    Sully stepped out of the kitchen. “And?”
    Clarisse looked at him. “And what?”
    “Not you, sweetie.” He looked pointedly at Mac.
    Mac knelt on the floor. That’s when the situation hit her.
    Whatever their relationship, Sully was in control, not Mac, regardless of what she’d witnessed on the boat.
    Sully walked over to Mac and stood beside him, brushed his hand through Mac’s blond hair. “Mac and I have a complex relationship.
    I’m his Master, he’s my slave.” Sully’s hand remained on Mac’s head, his fingers twined through his hair. “So we’re partners, lovers, and more than that. It’s consensual. We’ve lived this way for several years.”
    As she stared at them, trying to decide what to say, she watched Mac lean in, close his eyes, and rest his head against Sully’s thigh.
    She realized both men wore matching bands on their left hands, like wedding bands.
    “It’s okay, Clarisse,” Sully assured her. “You can freak out now if you want.”
    “That’s not funny, Master,” Mac mumbled.
    Clarisse noticed a change in Mac’s voice, like he’d suddenly

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